AnnotationClass in namespaceBiigle
An annotation is a region of an image that can be labeled by the users.
AnnotationLabelClass in namespaceBiigle
Pivot object for the connection between Annotations and Labels.
AnnotationLabel::annotation() — Method in classAnnotationLabel
The annotation, this annotation label belongs to.
AnnotationSessionClass in namespaceBiigle
An annotation session groups multiple annotations of a volume based on their creation date.
$AnnotationSession#appendsProperty in classAnnotationSession
The accessors to append to the model's array form.
AnnotationSession::annotations() — Method in classAnnotationSession
Get a query for all annotations that belong to this session.
AnnotationSession::allowsAccess() — Method in classAnnotationSession
Check if the given user is allowed to access the annotation if this annotation session is active.
ApiTokenClass in namespaceBiigle
ApidocClass in namespaceBiigle\Console\Commands
AnnotationClass in namespaceBiigle\Contracts
An annotation model.
AnnotationControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
AnnotationLabelControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
AnnotationSessionControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
ApiTokenControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
ProjectLabelTreeController::available() — Method in classProjectLabelTreeController
Display all label trees that can be used by the specified project.
ProjectUserController::attach() — Method in classProjectUserController
Adds a new user to the specified project.
ProjectVolumeController::attach() — Method in classProjectVolumeController
Attaches the existing specified volume to the existing specified project.
UserRegistrationController::accept() — Method in classUserRegistrationController
Approves a user sign up.
LoginController::attemptLogin() — Method in classLoginController
Attempt to log the user into the application.
SettingsController::account() — Method in classSettingsController
Shows the account settings.
AuthenticateClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Middleware
$VerifyCsrfToken#addHttpCookieProperty in classVerifyCsrfToken
Indicates whether the XSRF-TOKEN cookie should be set on the response.
AttachProjectUserClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
AttachProjectUser::authorize() — Method in classAttachProjectUser
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
DestroyAnnotationSession::authorize() — Method in classDestroyAnnotationSession
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
DestroyLabel::authorize() — Method in classDestroyLabel
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
DestroyLabelTree::authorize() — Method in classDestroyLabelTree
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
DestroyLabelTreeUser::authorize() — Method in classDestroyLabelTreeUser
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
DestroyLabelTreeVersion::authorize() — Method in classDestroyLabelTreeVersion
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
DestroyOwnUser::authorize() — Method in classDestroyOwnUser
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
DestroyPinnedProject::authorize() — Method in classDestroyPinnedProject
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
DestroyProjectUser::authorize() — Method in classDestroyProjectUser
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
DestroyUser::authorize() — Method in classDestroyUser
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
StoreAnnotation::authorize() — Method in classStoreAnnotation
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
$StoreAnnotationLabel#annotationProperty in classStoreAnnotationLabel
The annotation to which the label should be attached.
StoreAnnotationLabel::authorize() — Method in classStoreAnnotationLabel
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
StoreAnnotationSession::authorize() — Method in classStoreAnnotationSession
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
StoreAnnotations::authorize() — Method in classStoreAnnotations
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
StoreImageLabel::authorize() — Method in classStoreImageLabel
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
StoreLabel::authorize() — Method in classStoreLabel
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
StoreLabelTree::authorize() — Method in classStoreLabelTree
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
StoreLabelTreeAuthorizedProject::authorize() — Method in classStoreLabelTreeAuthorizedProject
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
StoreLabelTreeUser::authorize() — Method in classStoreLabelTreeUser
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
StoreLabelTreeVersion::authorize() — Method in classStoreLabelTreeVersion
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
StorePinnedProject::authorize() — Method in classStorePinnedProject
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
StoreProject::authorize() — Method in classStoreProject
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
StoreProjectLabelTree::authorize() — Method in classStoreProjectLabelTree
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
StoreSystemMessage::authorize() — Method in classStoreSystemMessage
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
StoreUser::authorize() — Method in classStoreUser
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
StoreVolume::authorize() — Method in classStoreVolume
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
StoreVolumeImage::authorize() — Method in classStoreVolumeImage
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
UpdateAnnotationSession::authorize() — Method in classUpdateAnnotationSession
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
UpdateLabel::authorize() — Method in classUpdateLabel
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
UpdateLabelTree::authorize() — Method in classUpdateLabelTree
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
UpdateLabelTreeUser::authorize() — Method in classUpdateLabelTreeUser
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
UpdateLabelTreeVersion::authorize() — Method in classUpdateLabelTreeVersion
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
UpdateOwnUser::authorize() — Method in classUpdateOwnUser
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
UpdateProject::authorize() — Method in classUpdateProject
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
UpdateProjectUser::authorize() — Method in classUpdateProjectUser
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
UpdateSystemMessage::authorize() — Method in classUpdateSystemMessage
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
UpdateUser::authorize() — Method in classUpdateUser
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
UpdateVolume::authorize() — Method in classUpdateVolume
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
Image::annotations() — Method in classImage
The annotations on this image.
LabelTree::addMember() — Method in classLabelTree
Add a new member with a certain role.
LabelTree::authorizedProjects() — Method in classLabelTree
The projects that are authorized to use this private label tree.
AnanasServiceProviderClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Ananas
AnnotationAssistanceRequestClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Ananas
With an annotation assistance request a BIIGLE user can consult some externa person for the label of a specific annotation.
AnnotationAssistanceRequest::annotation() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequest
The annotation to which the assistance request belongs.
AnnotationAssistanceRequestControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Ananas\Http\Controllers\Api
AnnotationAssistanceRequestControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Ananas\Http\Controllers\Views
$StoreAnnotationAssistanceRequest#annotationProperty in classStoreAnnotationAssistanceRequest
The annotation to create the request for.
StoreAnnotationAssistanceRequest::authorize() — Method in classStoreAnnotationAssistanceRequest
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
$UpdateAnnotationAssistanceRequest#ananasProperty in classUpdateAnnotationAssistanceRequest
The request to update.
UpdateAnnotationAssistanceRequest::authorize() — Method in classUpdateAnnotationAssistanceRequest
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
AnnotationAssistanceRequestClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Ananas\Notifications
AnnotationAssistanceResponseClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Ananas\Notifications
AnnotationAssistanceRequestObserverClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Ananas\Observers
AnnotationAssistanceRequestPolicyClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Ananas\Policies
AnnotationAssistanceRequestPolicy::access() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequestPolicy
Determine if the given assistance request can be accessed by the user.
AnnotationsServiceProviderClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Annotations
DashboardControllerMixin::activityItems() — Method in classDashboardControllerMixin
Get the most recently annotated images of a user.
AnnotationControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Annotations\Http\Controllers\Views
AnnotationToolControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Annotations\Http\Controllers\Views
StoreColorSortSequence::authorize() — Method in classStoreColorSortSequence
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
LabelTreesController::admin() — Method in classLabelTreesController
Show the label tree admin page.
StoreMerge::authorize() — Method in classStoreMerge
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
AnnotationsControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo\Http\Controllers\Api\Labels
LargoController::anotationsBelongToVolumes() — Method in classLargoController
Check if all given annotations belong to the given volumes.
LargoController::applySave() — Method in classLargoController
Apply the changes of an Largo session.
LargoController::applyDismissedLabels() — Method in classLargoController
Detach annotation labels that were dismissed in a Largo session.
LargoController::applyChangedLabels() — Method in classLargoController
Attach annotation labels that were chosen in a Largo session.
AnnotationExamplesControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo\Http\Controllers\Api\Volumes
AnnotationCatalogControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo\Http\Controllers\Views\LabelTrees
$GenerateAnnotationPatch#annotationClassProperty in classGenerateAnnotationPatch
The class of the annotation model.
$GenerateAnnotationPatch#annotationIdProperty in classGenerateAnnotationPatch
The ID of the annotation model.
$GenerateAnnotationPatch#annotationProperty in classGenerateAnnotationPatch
The the annotation to generate a patch for.
$RemoveAnnotationPatches#annotationIdsProperty in classRemoveAnnotationPatches
Map of the annotation ID to the image ID of the annotation whose patch should be removed.
AnnotationObserverClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo\Observers
ComputeImage::authorize() — Method in classComputeImage
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
ComputeVolume::authorize() — Method in classComputeVolume
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
Image::accessLaserpointsArray() — Method in classImage
Get an attribute from the laser points array.
AttachableVolumesControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Projects\Http\Controllers\Api
ReportPolicy::access() — Method in classReportPolicy
Determine if the given report can be accessed by the user.
AbundanceReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Projects\Annotations
AnnotationReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Projects\Annotations
AreaReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Projects\Annotations
AbundanceReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Volumes\Annotations
AbundanceReportGenerator::aggregateChildLabels() — Method in classAbundanceReportGenerator
Aggregate the number of child labels to the number of the highest parent label and remove the child labels from the list.
AnnotationReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Volumes\Annotations
$AnnotationReportGenerator#annotationSessionProperty in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Cache for the annotation session the report may be restricted to.
AreaReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Volumes\Annotations
ShowPublicLabelTreeExport::authorize() — Method in classShowPublicLabelTreeExport
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
AnnotationExportClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Support\Export
AnnotationLabelExportClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Support\Export
Export::addIds() — Method in classExport
Add more model IDs to this export.
Export::addToZip() — Method in classExport
Add the file of this report to a zip.
ArchiveManagerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Support\Import
LabelTreeImport::attachLabelTreeMembers() — Method in classLabelTreeImport
Attach members to imported label trees.
DashboardControllerMixin::activityItems() — Method in classDashboardControllerMixin
Get the most recently annotated and/or created videos of a user.
DestroyVideo::authorize() — Method in classDestroyVideo
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
$DestroyVideoAnnotationLabel#annotationLabelProperty in classDestroyVideoAnnotationLabel
The annotation label that should be deleted
DestroyVideoAnnotationLabel::authorize() — Method in classDestroyVideoAnnotationLabel
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
LinkVideoAnnotation::authorize() — Method in classLinkVideoAnnotation
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
$SplitVideoAnnotation#annotationProperty in classSplitVideoAnnotation
The annotation that should be split.
SplitVideoAnnotation::authorize() — Method in classSplitVideoAnnotation
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
StoreVideo::authorize() — Method in classStoreVideo
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
StoreVideoAnnotation::authorize() — Method in classStoreVideoAnnotation
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
$StoreVideoAnnotationLabel#annotationProperty in classStoreVideoAnnotationLabel
The annotation to which the label should be attached.
StoreVideoAnnotationLabel::authorize() — Method in classStoreVideoAnnotationLabel
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
UpdateVideo::authorize() — Method in classUpdateVideo
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
$UpdateVideoAnnotation#annotationProperty in classUpdateVideoAnnotation
The annotation that should be updated
UpdateVideoAnnotation::authorize() — Method in classUpdateVideoAnnotation
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
$TrackObject#annotationProperty in classTrackObject
The annotation that defines the initial object to track.
VideoAnnotationPolicy::access() — Method in classVideoAnnotationPolicy
Determine if the user may access the given annotation.
VideoAnnotationPolicy::attachLabel() — Method in classVideoAnnotationPolicy
Determine if the user can attach the given label to the given annotation.
VideoPolicy::access() — Method in classVideoPolicy
Determine if the given video can be accessed by the user.
$VideoUrl#allowedMimesProperty in classVideoUrl
Allowed video MIME types
$VideoUrl#allowedCodecsProperty in classVideoUrl
Allowed video codecs
$Video#appendsProperty in classVideo
The accessors to append to the model's array form.
Video::annotations() — Method in classVideo
The annotations that belong to this video.
VideoAnnotationLabel::annotation() — Method in classVideoAnnotationLabel
The video annotation, this annotation label belongs to.
AdminControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Http\Controllers
AnyImageLabelControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Http\Controllers\Api\VolumeFilters
$VolumeImageMetadataController#allowedAttributesProperty in classVolumeImageMetadataController
Allowed columns for the CSV file to change image attributes.
$VolumeImageMetadataController#allowedMetadataProperty in classVolumeImageMetadataController
Allowed columns for the CSV file to change image metadata.
DashboardControllerMixin::activityItems() — Method in classDashboardControllerMixin
Get the most recently created volume a user.
$InAppNotification#actionProperty in classInAppNotification
Label of the action link.
$InAppNotification#actionLinkProperty in classInAppNotification
Action link (URL).
AnnotationLabelPolicyClass in namespaceBiigle\Policies
AnnotationPolicyClass in namespaceBiigle\Policies
AnnotationPolicy::access() — Method in classAnnotationPolicy
Determine if the user may access the given annotation.
AnnotationPolicy::attachLabel() — Method in classAnnotationPolicy
Determine if the user can attach the given label to the given annotation.
ApiTokenPolicyClass in namespaceBiigle\Policies
ImagePolicy::access() — Method in classImagePolicy
Determine if the user can access the given image.
ImagePolicy::addAnnotation() — Method in classImagePolicy
Determine if the user can add an annotation to given image.
ImagePolicy::attachLabel() — Method in classImagePolicy
Determine if the user can attach the given label to the given image.
LabelTreePolicy::access() — Method in classLabelTreePolicy
Determine if the given label tree can be accessed by the user.
LabelTreePolicy::addMember() — Method in classLabelTreePolicy
Determine if the user can add members to the given label tree.
LabelTreeVersionPolicy::access() — Method in classLabelTreeVersionPolicy
Determine if the given label tree version can be accessed by the user.
ProjectPolicy::access() — Method in classProjectPolicy
Determine if the given project can be accessed by the user.
VolumePolicy::access() — Method in classVolumePolicy
Determine if the given volume can be accessed by the user.
Project::admins() — Method in classProject
All members of this project with the admin role.
Project::addUserId() — Method in classProject
Adds the user with the given role to this project.
Project::addVolumeId() — Method in classProject
Adds a volume to this project if it wasn't already.
Project::authorizedLabelTrees() — Method in classProject
The private label trees that authorized this project to use them.
AppServiceProviderClass in namespaceBiigle\Providers
AuthServiceProviderClass in namespaceBiigle\Providers
ApiGuardClass in namespaceBiigle\Services\Auth
$Modules#apidocPathsProperty in classModules
Additional source paths to generate the API documentation from.
Modules::addMixin() — Method in classModules
User::apiTokens() — Method in classUser
Api tokens of this user.
$Volume#appendsProperty in classVolume
The accessors to append to the model's array form.
Volume::annotationSessions() — Method in classVolume
The annotation sessions of this volume.
Volume::activeAnnotationSession() — Method in classVolume
The active annotation sessions of this volume (if any).


FileCache::batch() — Method in classFileCache
Perform a callback with the paths of many cached files. Use this to prevent pruning of the files while they are processed.
FileCache::batchOnce() — Method in classFileCache
Like batch but deletes the cached files afterwards (if they are not used somewhere else).
FileCache::batch() — Method in classFileCache
Perform a callback with the paths of many cached files. Use this to prevent pruning of the files while they are processed.
FileCache::batchOnce() — Method in classFileCache
Like batch but deletes the cached files afterwards (if they are not used somewhere else).
FileCacheServiceProvider::boot() — Method in classFileCacheServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application events.
FileCacheFake::batch() — Method in classFileCacheFake
Perform a callback with the paths of many cached files. Use this to prevent pruning of the files while they are processed.
FileCacheFake::batchOnce() — Method in classFileCacheFake
Like batch but deletes the cached files afterwards (if they are not used somewhere else).
AnanasServiceProvider::boot() — Method in classAnanasServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application events.
AnnotationAssistanceRequestPolicy::before() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequestPolicy
Intercept all checks.
AnnotationsServiceProvider::boot() — Method in classAnnotationsServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application events.
ColorSortServiceProvider::boot() — Method in classColorSortServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application events.
GeoOverlay::boot() — Method in classGeoOverlay
The "booting" method of the model.
GeoServiceProvider::boot() — Method in classGeoServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application events.
LabelTreesServiceProvider::boot() — Method in classLabelTreesServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application events.
LargoServiceProvider::boot() — Method in classLargoServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application events.
LaserpointsServiceProvider::boot() — Method in classLaserpointsServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application events.
ProjectsServiceProvider::boot() — Method in classProjectsServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application events.
ReportPolicy::before() — Method in classReportPolicy
Intercept all checks.
ReportsServiceProvider::boot() — Method in classReportsServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application events.
BasicReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Projects\Annotations
BasicReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Projects\ImageLabels
BasicReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Volumes\Annotations
BasicReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Volumes\ImageLabels
SyncServiceProvider::boot() — Method in classSyncServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application events.
VideoAnnotationLabelPolicy::before() — Method in classVideoAnnotationLabelPolicy
Intercept all checks.
VideoAnnotationPolicy::before() — Method in classVideoAnnotationPolicy
Intercept all checks.
VideoPolicy::before() — Method in classVideoPolicy
Intercept all checks.
VideosServiceProvider::boot() — Method in classVideosServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application events.
BrowserControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Http\Controllers\Api
VolumesServiceProvider::boot() — Method in classVolumesServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application events.
AnnotationLabelPolicy::before() — Method in classAnnotationLabelPolicy
Intercept all checks.
AnnotationPolicy::before() — Method in classAnnotationPolicy
Intercept all checks.
ImageLabelPolicy::before() — Method in classImageLabelPolicy
Intercept all checks.
ImagePolicy::before() — Method in classImagePolicy
Intercept all checks.
LabelTreePolicy::before() — Method in classLabelTreePolicy
Intercept all checks.
LabelTreeVersionPolicy::before() — Method in classLabelTreeVersionPolicy
Intercept all checks.
ProjectPolicy::before() — Method in classProjectPolicy
Intercept all checks.
VolumePolicy::before() — Method in classVolumePolicy
Intercept all checks.
AppServiceProvider::boot() — Method in classAppServiceProvider
Bootstrap any application services.
AuthServiceProvider::boot() — Method in classAuthServiceProvider
Register any authentication / authorization services.
BroadcastServiceProviderClass in namespaceBiigle\Providers
BroadcastServiceProvider::boot() — Method in classBroadcastServiceProvider
Bootstrap any application services.
EventServiceProvider::boot() — Method in classEventServiceProvider
Register any events for your application.
RouteServiceProvider::boot() — Method in classRouteServiceProvider
Define your route model bindings, pattern filters, etc.


$Annotation#castsProperty in classAnnotation
The attributes that should be casted to native types.
$AnnotationLabel#castsProperty in classAnnotationLabel
The attributes that should be casted to native types.
$AnnotationSession#castsProperty in classAnnotationSession
The attributes that should be casted to native types.
$Kernel#commandsProperty in classKernel
The Artisan commands provided by your application.
Kernel::commands() — Method in classKernel
Register the Closure based commands for the application.
LabelSourceAdapterContract::create() — Method in classLabelSourceAdapterContract
Create the label (or labels) from the label source based on an API request.
FileCache::clear() — Method in classFileCache
Delete all unused cached files.
$FileCache#configProperty in classFileCache
File cache configuration.
FileCache::clear() — Method in classFileCache
Delete all unused cached files.
FileCache::cacheFromResource() — Method in classFileCache
Store the file from the given resource to a cached file.
ClearFileCacheClass in namespaceBiigle\FileCache\Listeners
FileCacheFake::clear() — Method in classFileCacheFake
Delete all unused cached files.
ControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
LoginController::credentials() — Method in classLoginController
Get the needed authorization credentials from the request.
RegisterController::create() — Method in classRegisterController
Create a new user instance after a valid registration.
ResetPasswordController::credentials() — Method in classResetPasswordController
Get the password reset credentials from the request.
ControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers
SystemMessagesController::create() — Method in classSystemMessagesController
Shows the admin new system message page.
ControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Views
CheckForMaintenanceModeClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Middleware
$Image#castsProperty in classImage
The attributes that should be casted to native types.
CreateNewImagesClass in namespaceBiigle\Jobs
CreateNewImages::createImages() — Method in classCreateNewImages
Create an array to be inserted as new image models.
ProcessNewImageChunk::collectMetadata() — Method in classProcessNewImageChunk
Collect image metadata.
$Label#castsProperty in classLabel
The attributes that should be casted to native types.
Label::children() — Method in classLabel
The child labels of this label if they are ordered in a tree-like structue.
Label::canBeDeleted() — Method in classLabel
Determines if the label can be deleted.
$LabelTree#castsProperty in classLabelTree
The attributes that should be casted to native types.
LabelTree::canBeDeleted() — Method in classLabelTree
Determines if the label tree can be safely deleted.
$LabelTreeVersion#castsProperty in classLabelTreeVersion
The attributes that should be casted to native types.
CleanupImageTilesClass in namespaceBiigle\Listeners
CleanupThumbnailsClass in namespaceBiigle\Listeners
CreateRedisLoggerClass in namespaceBiigle\Logging
$LogManager#channelProperty in classLogManager
The default logging channel.
$AnnotationAssistanceRequest#castsProperty in classAnnotationAssistanceRequest
The attributes that should be casted to native types.
AnnotationAssistanceRequestController::create() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequestController
Create a new annotation assistance request.
AnnotationAssistanceRequestObserver::created() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequestObserver
Handle the event of creatinga new assistance request.
ColorSortServiceProviderClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\ColorSort
ComputeNewSequenceClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\ColorSort\Jobs
$Sequence#castsProperty in classSequence
The attributes that should be casted to native types.
ConfigClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Geo\Console\Commands
$GeoOverlay#castsProperty in classGeoOverlay
The attributes that should be casted to native types.
LabelTreeVersionsController::create() — Method in classLabelTreeVersionsController
Show the create label tree version page.
LabelTreesController::create() — Method in classLabelTreesController
Show the create label tree page.
$StoreMerge#createProperty in classStoreMerge
Flat array of labels to create.
$WormsAdapter#clientProperty in classWormsAdapter
SOAP client for the WoRMS webservice.
WormsAdapter::create() — Method in classWormsAdapter
Create the label (or labels) from the label source based on an API request.
WormsAdapter::createSingleLabel() — Method in classWormsAdapter
Create (and save) a single label.
WormsAdapter::createRecursiveLabels() — Method in classWormsAdapter
Create (and save) a label and all WoRMS parents that don't already exist in the tree.
ConfigClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo\Console\Commands
$GenerateMissing#countProperty in classGenerateMissing
Number of annotations missing patches.
$RemoveAnnotationPatches#chunkSizeProperty in classRemoveAnnotationPatches
Number of annotations to start chunking of this job.
ConfigClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints\Console\Commands
LaserpointsController::computeImage() — Method in classLaserpointsController
Compute distance between laser points for an image.
LaserpointsController::computeVolume() — Method in classLaserpointsController
Compute distance between laser points for a volume.
ComputeImageClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints\Http\Requests
ComputeVolumeClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints\Http\Requests
Image::convert() — Method in classImage
Converts a regular Biigle image to a Laserpoints image.
$ProcessDelphiJob#cacheKeyProperty in classProcessDelphiJob
Key of the cached count of other jobs that run on the same volume than this one.
Volume::convert() — Method in classVolume
Converts a regular Biigle volume to a Laserpoints volume.
ProjectsController::create() — Method in classProjectsController
Shows the create project page.
ReportObserver::creating() — Method in classReportObserver
Fill the attributes that depend on the source.
$Report#castsProperty in classReport
The attributes that should be casted to native types.
CsvFileClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support
File::close() — Method in classFile
Close the file.
CsvReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Projects\Annotations
CsvReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Projects\ImageLabels
CsvReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Projects\VideoAnnotations
CsvReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Videos\VideoAnnotations
CsvReportGenerator::createCsv() — Method in classCsvReportGenerator
Create a CSV file for this report.
AbundanceReportGenerator::createCsv() — Method in classAbundanceReportGenerator
Create a CSV file for a single sheet of the spreadsheet of this report.
AreaReportGenerator::createCsv() — Method in classAreaReportGenerator
Create a CSV file for a single sheet of the spreadsheet of this report.
BasicReportGenerator::createCsv() — Method in classBasicReportGenerator
Create a CSV file for a single plot of this report.
CsvReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Volumes\Annotations
CsvReportGenerator::createCsv() — Method in classCsvReportGenerator
Create a CSV file for this report.
ExtendedReportGenerator::createCsv() — Method in classExtendedReportGenerator
Create a CSV file for a single sheet of the spreadsheet of this report.
FullReportGenerator::createCsv() — Method in classFullReportGenerator
Create a CSV file for a single sheet of the spreadsheet of this report.
BasicReportGenerator::createCsv() — Method in classBasicReportGenerator
Create a CSV file for a single sheet of the spreadsheet of this report.
CsvReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Volumes\ImageLabels
CsvReportGenerator::createCsv() — Method in classCsvReportGenerator
Create a CSV file for this report.
$PythonScriptRunner#codeProperty in classPythonScriptRunner
Exit code of the exec call.
Volume::convert() — Method in classVolume
Converts a regular Biigle volume to an export volume.
ControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Http\Controllers\Api\Export
AnnotationExport::cleanUp() — Method in classAnnotationExport
Clean up any temporary files.
AnnotationLabelExport::cleanUp() — Method in classAnnotationLabelExport
Clean up any temporary files.
Export::cleanUp() — Method in classExport
Clean up any temporary files.
ImageExport::cleanUp() — Method in classImageExport
Clean up any temporary files.
ImageLabelExport::cleanUp() — Method in classImageLabelExport
Clean up any temporary files.
PublicLabelExport::cleanUp() — Method in classPublicLabelExport
Clean up any temporary files.
Import::collectJson() — Method in classImport
Read a JSON file containing an array and wrap it in a Laravel collection.
TrackObject::createInputJson() — Method in classTrackObject
Create the JSON file that is the input for the object tracking script.
$GreaterThan#compareProperty in classGreaterThan
The value to compare.
$LessThan#compareProperty in classLessThan
The value to compare.
$Video#castsProperty in classVideo
The attributes that should be casted to native types.
Video::creator() — Method in classVideo
The user who created this video.
$VideoAnnotation#castsProperty in classVideoAnnotation
The attributes that should be casted to native types.
$VolumeImageMetadataController#columnSynonymsProperty in classVolumeImageMetadataController
Column name synonyms.
VolumeController::create() — Method in classVolumeController
Shows the create volume page.
ProjectObserver::creating() — Method in classProjectObserver
A project must not be created without having a creator.
ProjectObserver::created() — Method in classProjectObserver
Handle actions for newly created projects.
VolumeObserver::creating() — Method in classVolumeObserver
A volume must not be created without having a creator.
ApiTokenPolicy::create() — Method in classApiTokenPolicy
Determine if the given user can create API tokens.
CachedPolicyClass in namespaceBiigle\Policies
A policy for caching the return values of the authorization rules during a request.
$CachedPolicy#cacheProperty in classCachedPolicy
The cache instance to use for caching policies.
LabelTreePolicy::create() — Method in classLabelTreePolicy
Determine if the given user can create label trees.
LabelTreePolicy::createLabel() — Method in classLabelTreePolicy
Determine if the user can add labels to the given label tree.
LabelTreeVersionPolicy::create() — Method in classLabelTreeVersionPolicy
Determine if the given user can create version of a label tree.
ProjectPolicy::create() — Method in classProjectPolicy
Determine if the given user can create projects.
SystemMessagePolicy::create() — Method in classSystemMessagePolicy
Determine whether the user can create systemMessages.
UserPolicy::create() — Method in classUserPolicy
Determine if the given user can create users.
Project::creator() — Method in classProject
The user that created this project. On creation this user is automatically added to the project's users with the 'admin' role by the ProjectObserver.
Project::changeRole() — Method in classProject
Changes the role of an existing user in this project.
$Modules#controllerMixinsProperty in classModules
The controller mixins of every module.
Modules::callControllerMixins() — Method in classModules
Call all controller mixins registered for a certain controller.
$SystemMessage#castsProperty in classSystemMessage
The attributes that should be casted to native types.
$User#castsProperty in classUser
The attributes that should be casted to native types.
User::checkCanBeDeleted() — Method in classUser
Checks if the user can be deleted.
$Volume#castsProperty in classVolume
The attributes that should be casted to native types.
Volume::creator() — Method in classVolume
The user that created the volume.


$Apidoc#descriptionProperty in classApidoc
The console command description.
$MigrateTiledImages#descriptionProperty in classMigrateTiledImages
The console command description.
$NewUser#descriptionProperty in classNewUser
The console command description.
$PruneNotifications#descriptionProperty in classPruneNotifications
The console command description.
$UpdateImageMetadata#descriptionProperty in classUpdateImageMetadata
The console command description.
$UpdateImageMetadata#dryRunProperty in classUpdateImageMetadata
Is this a dry run?
UpdateImageMetadata::dispatchReprocessJobs() — Method in classUpdateImageMetadata
Dispatches jobs to process all images anew.
$UpdateVolumeUrls#descriptionProperty in classUpdateVolumeUrls
The console command description.
$UpdateVolumeUrls#dryRunProperty in classUpdateVolumeUrls
Is this a dry run?
$UpdateVolumeUrls#disksProperty in classUpdateVolumeUrls
Available storage disks.
$Handler#dontReportProperty in classHandler
A list of the exception types that are not reported.
$Handler#dontFlashProperty in classHandler
A list of the inputs that are never flashed for validation exceptions.
$PruneFileCache#descriptionProperty in classPruneFileCache
The console command description.
FileCache::delete() — Method in classFileCache
Delete a cached file it it is not used.
AnnotationController::destroy() — Method in classAnnotationController
Removes the annotation.
AnnotationLabelController::destroy() — Method in classAnnotationLabelController
Deletes the specified annotation label.
AnnotationSessionController::destroy() — Method in classAnnotationSessionController
Removes the annotation session.
ApiTokenController::destroy() — Method in classApiTokenController
Removes the specified API token.
ImageController::destroy() — Method in classImageController
Deletes the image.
ImageLabelController::destroy() — Method in classImageLabelController
Deletes the specified image label.
LabelController::destroy() — Method in classLabelController
Delete a label.
LabelTreeAuthorizedProjectController::destroy() — Method in classLabelTreeAuthorizedProjectController
Remove authorization of a project to use a private label tree.
LabelTreeController::destroy() — Method in classLabelTreeController
Removes the specified label tree.
LabelTreeUserController::destroy() — Method in classLabelTreeUserController
Removes the specified member from the specified label tree.
LabelTreeVersionController::destroy() — Method in classLabelTreeVersionController
Removes the specified label tree version.
NotificationController::destroy() — Method in classNotificationController
Delete a read notification.
ProjectController::destroy() — Method in classProjectController
Removes the specified project.
ProjectLabelTreeController::destroy() — Method in classProjectLabelTreeController
Removes a label tree form the specified project.
ProjectUserController::destroy() — Method in classProjectUserController
Removes a user form the specified project.
ProjectVolumeController::destroy() — Method in classProjectVolumeController
Removes the specified volume from the specified project.
SystemMessageController::destroy() — Method in classSystemMessageController
Delete an unpublished system message.
UserController::destroy() — Method in classUserController
Removes the specified user.
UserController::destroyOwn() — Method in classUserController
Removes the own user.
UserPinnedProjectController::destroy() — Method in classUserPinnedProjectController
Unpin a project.
UsersController::delete() — Method in classUsersController
Shows the admin delete user page.
DashboardControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Views
ManualController::documentationArticle() — Method in classManualController
Show a documentation article.
DestroyAnnotationSessionClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
DestroyLabelClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
DestroyLabelTreeClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
DestroyLabelTreeUserClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
DestroyLabelTreeVersionClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
DestroyOwnUserClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
DestroyPinnedProjectClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
DestroyProjectUserClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
DestroyUserClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
$DestroyUser#destroyUserProperty in classDestroyUser
The user to delete.
$Image#datesProperty in classImage
The attributes that should be mutated to dates.
DeleteVolumeClass in namespaceBiigle\Jobs
$MigrateTiledImage#diskProperty in classMigrateTiledImage
Name of the storage disk that holds the ZIP files of tiled images.
$ProcessNewImages#deleteWhenMissingModelsProperty in classProcessNewImages
Ignore this job if the volume does not exist any more.
$TileSingleImage#deleteWhenMissingModelsProperty in classTileSingleImage
Ignore this job if the image does not exist any more.
LabelTree::detachUnauthorizedProjects() — Method in classLabelTree
Detaches all projects that are not among the authorized projects.
$Publish#descriptionProperty in classPublish
The console command description.
AnnotationAssistanceRequestController::destroy() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequestController
Delete an annotation assistance request.
AnnotationAssistanceRequestPolicy::destroy() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequestPolicy
Determine if the given assistance request can be deleted by the user.
$Publish#descriptionProperty in classPublish
The console command description.
DashboardControllerMixinClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Annotations\Http\Controllers\Mixins\Views
$Install#descriptionProperty in classInstall
The console command description.
$Publish#descriptionProperty in classPublish
The console command description.
VolumeColorSortSequenceController::destroy() — Method in classVolumeColorSortSequenceController
Delete a color sort sequence.
$ComputeNewSequence#deleteWhenMissingModelsProperty in classComputeNewSequence
Ignore this job if the annotation does not exist any more.
ImageObserver::deleted() — Method in classImageObserver
Updates the color sort sequences containing the ID of the deleted image.
$Config#descriptionProperty in classConfig
The console command description.
$Publish#descriptionProperty in classPublish
The console command description.
GeoOverlayController::destroy() — Method in classGeoOverlayController
Deletes the geo overlay.
$Publish#descriptionProperty in classPublish
The console command description.
$Config#descriptionProperty in classConfig
The console command description.
$GenerateMissing#descriptionProperty in classGenerateMissing
The console command description.
$GenerateMissing#diskProperty in classGenerateMissing
Largo patch storage disk.
$MigratePatchStorage#descriptionProperty in classMigratePatchStorage
The console command description.
$MigratePatchStorage#diskProperty in classMigratePatchStorage
Largo patch storage disk.
$MigratePatchStorage#dryRunProperty in classMigratePatchStorage
Specifies if this is a dry run.
$Publish#descriptionProperty in classPublish
The console command description.
RemoveAnnotationPatches::deletePatches() — Method in classRemoveAnnotationPatches
Delete the annotation patches.
AnnotationObserver::deleting() — Method in classAnnotationObserver
Handle the event of deleting a single annotation.
$Config#descriptionProperty in classConfig
The console command description.
$Publish#descriptionProperty in classPublish
The console command description.
$Job#distanceProperty in classJob
Distance between laser points im cm to use for computation.
$ProcessDelphiJob#distanceProperty in classProcessDelphiJob
Distance between laser points im cm to use for computation.
$ProcessDelphiJob#deleteWhenMissingModelsProperty in classProcessDelphiJob
Ignore this job if the image does not exist any more.
$ProcessImageManualJob#deleteWhenMissingModelsProperty in classProcessImageManualJob
Ignore this job if the image does not exist any more.
$ProcessManualJob#distanceProperty in classProcessManualJob
Distance between laser points im cm to use for computation.
$ProcessManualJob#deleteWhenMissingModelsProperty in classProcessManualJob
Ignore this job if the image does not exist any more.
$ProcessVolumeDelphiJob#deleteWhenMissingModelsProperty in classProcessVolumeDelphiJob
Ignore this job if the image does not exist any more.
DelphiApplyClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints\Support
Wrapper for the Delphi laser points detection script.
DelphiGatherClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints\Support
Wrapper for the Delphi gather script.
DetectClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints\Support
Wrapper for the manual laser points detection script.
$Publish#descriptionProperty in classPublish
The console command description.
$Publish#descriptionProperty in classPublish
The console command description.
ReportsController::destroy() — Method in classReportsController
Delete a report.
ExportAreaController::destroy() — Method in classExportAreaController
Remove the export area.
ProjectObserver::deleted() — Method in classProjectObserver
Update the source name of reports when the source is deleted.
ReportObserver::deleted() — Method in classReportObserver
Remove report file of a report that should be deleted.
UserObserver::deleting() — Method in classUserObserver
Remove report files of a user that should be deleted.
VolumeObserver::deleted() — Method in classVolumeObserver
Update the source name of reports when the source is deleted.
ReportPolicy::destroy() — Method in classReportPolicy
Determine if the given report can be destroyed by the user.
Report::deleteFile() — Method in classReport
Delete the file that belongs to this report.
$CsvFile#delimiterProperty in classCsvFile
Field delimiter.
File::delete() — Method in classFile
Delete the file.
$Prune#descriptionProperty in classPrune
The console command description.
$Publish#descriptionProperty in classPublish
The console command description.
$Uuids#descriptionProperty in classUuids
The console command description.
ImportController::destroy() — Method in classImportController
$ArchiveManager#diskProperty in classArchiveManager
Storage disk for uploaded import archives.
ArchiveManager::delete() — Method in classArchiveManager
Delete the files of an import.
$Publish#descriptionProperty in classPublish
The console command description.
VideoAnnotationController::destroy() — Method in classVideoAnnotationController
Removes a video annotation.
VideoAnnotationLabelController::destroy() — Method in classVideoAnnotationLabelController
Detach a label
VideoController::destroy() — Method in classVideoController
Delete a video.
DashboardControllerMixinClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Controllers\Mixins
DestroyVideoClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Requests
DestroyVideoAnnotationLabelClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Requests
DeleteVideoThumbnailsClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Jobs
$TrackObject#deleteWhenMissingModelsProperty in classTrackObject
Ignore this job if the annotation does not exist any more.
VideoAnnotationLabelPolicy::destroy() — Method in classVideoAnnotationLabelPolicy
Determine if the user may detach the given video annotation label.
VideoAnnotationPolicy::destroy() — Method in classVideoAnnotationPolicy
Determine if the user may delete the given annotation.
VideoPolicy::destroy() — Method in classVideoPolicy
Determine if the given video can be deleted by the user.
$Video#dispatchesEventsProperty in classVideo
The event map for the model.
$Publish#descriptionProperty in classPublish
The console command description.
BrowserController::diskAccessible() — Method in classBrowserController
Determines if a storage disk is accessible.
DashboardControllerMixinClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Http\Controllers\Mixins\Views
ImageObserver::deleting() — Method in classImageObserver
Handle the event of deleting a single image.
VolumeObserver::deleting() — Method in classVolumeObserver
Handle the deletion of a volume.
AnnotationLabelPolicy::destroy() — Method in classAnnotationLabelPolicy
Determine if the user can delete the given annotation label.
AnnotationPolicy::destroy() — Method in classAnnotationPolicy
Determine if the user may delete the given annotation.
ApiTokenPolicy::destroy() — Method in classApiTokenPolicy
Determine if the given token can be deleted by the user.
ImageLabelPolicy::destroy() — Method in classImageLabelPolicy
Determine if the user can delete the given image label.
ImagePolicy::destroy() — Method in classImagePolicy
Determine if the user can delete the given image.
LabelPolicy::destroy() — Method in classLabelPolicy
Determine if the user can remove the given label.
LabelTreePolicy::destroy() — Method in classLabelTreePolicy
Determine if the given label tree can be deleted by the user.
LabelTreeVersionPolicy::destroy() — Method in classLabelTreeVersionPolicy
Determine if the given label tree version can be deleted by the user.
ProjectPolicy::destroy() — Method in classProjectPolicy
Determine if the given project can be deleted by the user.
SystemMessagePolicy::destroy() — Method in classSystemMessagePolicy
Determine whether the user can delete the systemMessage.
UserPolicy::destroy() — Method in classUserPolicy
Determine if the given user can delete the user.
VolumePolicy::destroy() — Method in classVolumePolicy
Determine if the given volume can be deleted by the user.
$User#datesProperty in classUser
The attributes that should be mutated to dates.


FileCache::exists() — Method in classFileCache
Check if a file exists.
FileCache::exists() — Method in classFileCache
Check if a file exists.
FileCache::existsRemote() — Method in classFileCache
Check for existence of a remte file.
FileCache::existsDisk() — Method in classFileCache
Check for existence of a file from a storage disk.
FileCache::ensurePathExists() — Method in classFileCache
Creates the cache directory if it doesn't exist yet.
FileCacheFake::exists() — Method in classFileCacheFake
Check if a file exists.
UsersController::edit() — Method in classUsersController
Shows the admin edit user page.
$CheckForMaintenanceMode#exceptProperty in classCheckForMaintenanceMode
The URIs that should be reachable while maintenance mode is enabled.
EncryptCookiesClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Middleware
$EncryptCookies#exceptProperty in classEncryptCookies
The names of the cookies that should not be encrypted.
$TrimStrings#exceptProperty in classTrimStrings
The names of the attributes that should not be trimmed.
$UpdateUserActivity#exceptProperty in classUpdateUserActivity
The URIs that should be excluded from updating the user activity.
$VerifyCsrfToken#exceptProperty in classVerifyCsrfToken
The URIs that should be excluded from CSRF verification.
Sort::execute() — Method in classSort
Compute a color sort sequence.
WormsAdapter::extractParents() — Method in classWormsAdapter
Extract the aphia IDs in correct ordering from a WoRMS classification hierarchy.
DelphiApply::execute() — Method in classDelphiApply
Execute a new Delphi laser point detection.
DelphiGather::execute() — Method in classDelphiGather
Execute a new Delphi preprocessing.
Detect::execute() — Method in classDetect
Execute a new manual laser point detection.
LaserpointsScript::exec() — Method in classLaserpointsScript
Execute a laser point detection command.
ExportAreaControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Http\Controllers\Api\Volumes
$CsvFile#enclosureProperty in classCsvFile
String enclosure character.
$CsvFile#escape_charProperty in classCsvFile
Escape character.
ExtendedReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Projects\Annotations
$ProjectReportGenerator#extensionProperty in classProjectReportGenerator
File extension of the report file.
$ReportGenerator#extensionProperty in classReportGenerator
File extension of the report file.
ReportGenerator::expandLabelName() — Method in classReportGenerator
Constructs a label name from the names of all parent labels and the label itself.
$CsvReportGenerator#extensionProperty in classCsvReportGenerator
File extension of the report file.
CsvReportGenerator::expandLabelName() — Method in classCsvReportGenerator
Constructs a label name from the names of all parent labels and the label itself.
$AbundanceReportGenerator#extensionProperty in classAbundanceReportGenerator
File extension of the report file.
$AreaReportGenerator#extensionProperty in classAreaReportGenerator
File extension of the report file.
$BasicReportGenerator#extensionProperty in classBasicReportGenerator
File extension of the report file.
$CsvReportGenerator#extensionProperty in classCsvReportGenerator
File extension of the report file.
ExtendedReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Volumes\Annotations
$ExtendedReportGenerator#extensionProperty in classExtendedReportGenerator
File extension of the report file.
$FullReportGenerator#extensionProperty in classFullReportGenerator
File extension of the report file.
$BasicReportGenerator#extensionProperty in classBasicReportGenerator
File extension of the report file.
$CsvReportGenerator#extensionProperty in classCsvReportGenerator
File extension of the report file.
VolumeReportGenerator::expandLabelName() — Method in classVolumeReportGenerator
Constructs a label name from the names of all parent labels and the label itself.
VolumeReportGenerator::executeScript() — Method in classVolumeReportGenerator
Execute the external report parsing Python script.
ExportAdminControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Http\Controllers\Views
ExportClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Support\Export
Import::expectedFiles() — Method in classImport
The files expected by this import.
Import::expectKeysInJson() — Method in classImport
Validates a JSON file to contain an array of objects, each of which has all the expected keys.
Import::expectColumnsInCsv() — Method in classImport
Validates a CSV file to contain the expected columns.
LabelTreeImport::expectedFiles() — Method in classLabelTreeImport
The files expected by this import.
PublicLabelTreeImport::expectedFiles() — Method in classPublicLabelTreeImport
The files expected by this import.
UserImport::expectedFiles() — Method in classUserImport
The files expected by this import.
VolumeImport::expectedFiles() — Method in classVolumeImport
The files expected by this import.
VideoPolicy::editIn() — Method in classVideoPolicy
Determine if the user can edit something in the given video.
VideoCodecExtractor::extract() — Method in classVideoCodecExtractor
Extract the video codec from the specified video file.
VolumeController::edit() — Method in classVolumeController
Shows the volume edit page.
ProjectPolicy::editIn() — Method in classProjectPolicy
Determine if the user can edit things in the given project.
VolumePolicy::editIn() — Method in classVolumePolicy
Determine if the user can edit something in the given volume.
Project::editors() — Method in classProject
All members of this project with the editor role.
EventServiceProviderClass in namespaceBiigle\Providers


LabelSourceAdapterContract::find() — Method in classLabelSourceAdapterContract
Find a label in the label source.
FileClass in namespaceBiigle\FileCache\Contracts
FileCacheClass in namespaceBiigle\FileCache\Contracts
FileCacheClass in namespaceBiigle\FileCache\Facades
FileCache::fake() — Method in classFileCache
Use testing instance.
FileCacheClass in namespaceBiigle\FileCache
The file cache.
$FileCache#filesProperty in classFileCache
The Filesytem instance to use
FileCacheServiceProviderClass in namespaceBiigle\FileCache
FileCacheFakeClass in namespaceBiigle\FileCache\Testing
Controller::fuzzyRedirect() — Method in classController
Redirects to the _redirect URL, to a route or else back.
LabelSourceController::find() — Method in classLabelSourceController
Find labels from a label source.
UserController::find() — Method in classUserController
Finds all users with firstnames or lastnames like $pattern.
ForgotPasswordControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Auth
$CreateNewImages#filenamesProperty in classCreateNewImages
The filenames of the images to create.
ProcessNewImageChunk::fracToFloat() — Method in classProcessNewImageChunk
Converts a fracture (string) like "1/2" to a float.
ComputeNewSequence::failed() — Method in classComputeNewSequence
Handle a job failure.
WormsAdapter::find() — Method in classWormsAdapter
Find labels by scientific name.
WormsAdapter::filterUnaccepted() — Method in classWormsAdapter
Returns true for accepted WoRMS items and false otherwise.
$GenerateMissing#formatProperty in classGenerateMissing
Largo patch storage file format.
FilterAnnotationsByLabelControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo\Http\Controllers\Api\Projects
FilterAnnotationsByLabelControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo\Http\Controllers\Api\Volumes
ProcessDelphiJob::failed() — Method in classProcessDelphiJob
Handle a job failure.
DelphiGather::finish() — Method in classDelphiGather
Finish the Delphi preprocessing after all images have been processed.
FiltersInvalidLaserPointsClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints\Traits
FiltersInvalidLaserPoints::filterInvalidLaserPoints() — Method in classFiltersInvalidLaserPoints
Removes items from the annotations array if the laser point annotations are invalid.
FileClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support
$AbundanceReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classAbundanceReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
$AreaReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classAreaReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
$BasicReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classBasicReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
$CsvReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classCsvReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
$ExtendedReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classExtendedReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
FullReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Projects\Annotations
$FullReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classFullReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
$BasicReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classBasicReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
$CsvReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classCsvReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
$CsvReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classCsvReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
$ReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
$CsvReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classCsvReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
$AbundanceReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classAbundanceReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
$AreaReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classAreaReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
$BasicReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classBasicReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
$CsvReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classCsvReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
$ExtendedReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classExtendedReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
FullReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Volumes\Annotations
$FullReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classFullReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
$BasicReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classBasicReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
$CsvReportGenerator#filenameProperty in classCsvReportGenerator
Name of the report for use as (part of) a filename.
Import::filesMatch() — Method in classImport
Check if this import matches to the given import files.
Import::files() — Method in classImport
Get the basename of each file of this import.
$LinkVideoAnnotation#firstAnnotationProperty in classLinkVideoAnnotation
The first annotation that should be linked.
$ProcessNewVideo#ffmpegVideoProperty in classProcessNewVideo
The FFMpeg video instance.
TrackObject::failed() — Method in classTrackObject
The job failed to process.
VideoPolicy::forceEditIn() — Method in classVideoPolicy
Determine if the user can edit things created by other users in the given video.
$VideoCodecExtractor#ffprobeProperty in classVideoCodecExtractor
FFProbe instance.
$Video#fillableProperty in classVideo
The attributes that are mass assignable.
$VideoAnnotation#fillableProperty in classVideoAnnotation
The attributes that are mass assignable.
$VideoAnnotationLabel#fillableProperty in classVideoAnnotationLabel
The attributes that are mass assignable.
VolumeImageMetadataController::fillImageAttributes() — Method in classVolumeImageMetadataController
Fill the attributes of an image.
VolumeImageMetadataController::fillImageMetadata() — Method in classVolumeImageMetadataController
Fill metadata of an image.
ProjectPolicy::forceEditIn() — Method in classProjectPolicy
Determine if the user can edit things created by other users in the given project.
VolumePolicy::forceEditIn() — Method in classVolumePolicy
Determine if the user can edit things created by other users in the given volume.
Project::flushGeoInfoCache() — Method in classProject
Flush the cached information if this project has volumes which have images with GPS coordinates.
$SystemMessage#fillableProperty in classSystemMessage
The attributes that are mass assignable.
Volume::flushThumbnailCache() — Method in classVolume
Flush the cache that stores the volume thumbnail.
Volume::flushGeoInfoCache() — Method in classVolume
Flush the cached information if this volume has images with GPS coordinates.


Annotation::getPoints() — Method in classAnnotation
Get the points array of the annotation.
Annotation::getShape() — Method in classAnnotation
Get the shape of an annotation.
Annotation::getImage() — Method in classAnnotation
Get the image, the annotation belongs to.
AnnotationSession::getImageAnnotations() — Method in classAnnotationSession
Get the annotations of the image (with labels), filtered by the restrictions of this annotation session.
AnnotationSession::getStartsAtIso8601Attribute() — Method in classAnnotationSession
Get the start date formatted as ISO8601 string.
AnnotationSession::getEndsAtIso8601Attribute() — Method in classAnnotationSession
Get the end date formatted as ISO8601 string.
Annotation::getPoints() — Method in classAnnotation
Get the points array of the annotation.
Annotation::getShape() — Method in classAnnotation
Get the shape of an annotation.
Annotation::getImage() — Method in classAnnotation
Get the image, the annotation belongs to.
Modules::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in classModules
Get the registered name of the component.
VipsImage::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in classVipsImage
Get the registered name of the component.
File::getUrl() — Method in classFile
Get the file URL.
FileCache::get() — Method in classFileCache
Perform a callback with the path of a cached file. This takes care of shared locks on the cached file file so it is not corrupted due to concurrent write operations.
FileCache::getOnce() — Method in classFileCache
Like get but deletes the cached file afterwards (if it is not used somewhere else).
FileCache::getStream() — Method in classFileCache
Get a stream resource for an file. If the file is cached, the resource points to the cached file instead. This will not cache uncached files. Make sure to close the streams!
FileCache::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in classFileCache
Get the registered name of the component.
FileCache::get() — Method in classFileCache
Perform a callback with the path of a cached file. This takes care of shared locks on the cached file file so it is not corrupted due to concurrent write operations.
FileCache::getOnce() — Method in classFileCache
Like get but deletes the cached file afterwards (if it is not used somewhere else).
FileCache::getStream() — Method in classFileCache
Get a stream resource for an file. If the file is cached, the resource points to the cached file instead. This will not cache uncached files. Make sure to close the streams!
FileCache::getRemoteFile() — Method in classFileCache
Cache a remote file and get the path to the cached file.
FileCache::getDiskFile() — Method in classFileCache
Cache an file from a storage disk and get the path to the cached file. Files from local disks are not cached.
FileCache::getCachedPath() — Method in classFileCache
Get the path to the cached file file.
FileCache::getFileStream() — Method in classFileCache
Get the stream resource for an file.
FileCache::getDisk() — Method in classFileCache
Get the storage disk on which a file is stored.
GenericFileClass in namespaceBiigle\FileCache
GenericFile::getUrl() — Method in classGenericFile
Get the file URL.
FileCacheFake::get() — Method in classFileCacheFake
Perform a callback with the path of a cached file. This takes care of shared locks on the cached file file so it is not corrupted due to concurrent write operations.
FileCacheFake::getOnce() — Method in classFileCacheFake
Like get but deletes the cached file afterwards (if it is not used somewhere else).
FileCacheFake::getStream() — Method in classFileCacheFake
Get a stream resource for an file. If the file is cached, the resource points to the cached file instead. This will not cache uncached files. Make sure to close the streams!
IndexController::get() — Method in classIndexController
Shows the admin dashboard.
LabelsController::get() — Method in classLabelsController
Shows the admin labels page.
UsersController::get() — Method in classUsersController
Shows the admin users page.
Image::getUrl() — Method in classImage
Get the file URL.
Image::getUrlAttribute() — Method in classImage
Adds the url attribute to the image model. The url is the absolute path to the original image file.
Image::getMetadataAttribute() — Method in classImage
Get the image metadata attribute.
Image::getFile() — Method in classImage
Get the original image as download response.
Image::getWidthAttribute() — Method in classImage
Get the width attribute.
Image::getHeightAttribute() — Method in classImage
Get the height attribute.
Image::getSizeAttribute() — Method in classImage
Get the size attribute.
Image::getMimetypeAttribute() — Method in classImage
Get the mimetype attribute.
Image::getTilingInProgressAttribute() — Method in classImage
Get the tilingInProgress attribute.
ProcessNewImageChunk::getExif() — Method in classProcessNewImageChunk
Get the exif information of an image if possible.
ProcessNewImageChunk::getGps() — Method in classProcessNewImageChunk
Converts a EXIF GPS coordinate to a float see: http://stackoverflow.com/a/2572991/1796523.
TileSingleImage::generateTiles() — Method in classTileSingleImage
Generate tiles for the image and put them to temporary storage.
TileSingleImage::getVipsImage() — Method in classTileSingleImage
Get the vips image instance.
TileSingleImage::getIterator() — Method in classTileSingleImage
Get the recursive directory iterator for the given path.
LabelSource::getAdapter() — Method in classLabelSource
Returns the label source adapter of this label source.
LabelTree::getVersionedNameAttribute() — Method in classLabelTree
Get the name with a version suffix of this label tree.
LogManager::getLogFilenames() — Method in classLogManager
Get the filenames of the logfiles.
LogManager::getLogFileContent() — Method in classLogManager
Get the content of a logfile.
LogManager::getRedisLogMessages() — Method in classLogManager
Get the log messages.
LogManager::getRecentCount() — Method in classLogManager
Get the number of log messages of the last day(s).
AnnotationAssistanceRequest::generateToken() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequest
Generate a token for use in the annotation assistance request URL.
AnnotationAssistanceRequest::getResponseLabelAttribute() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequest
Get the chosen response label from the request labels array.
GeoOverlayClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Geo
GeoOverlay::getPathAttribute() — Method in classGeoOverlay
Get the local path to the overlay image file.
GeoServiceProviderClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Geo
GeoOverlayControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Geo\Http\Controllers\Api
StoreMerge::getFlatLabels() — Method in classStoreMerge
Returns a flat list of a nested array of labels and assigns a parent_index to each label, which indicates the position of the parent label in the list (as opposed to a parent_id, sinde the labels have no ID yet).
WormsAdapter::getSoapClient() — Method in classWormsAdapter
Get the SOAP client instance to use for requests.
GenerateMissingClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo\Console\Commands
LargoController::getAffectedAnnotations() — Method in classLargoController
Get a list of unique annotation IDs that are either dismissed or changed.
LargoController::getRequiredLabelTrees() — Method in classLargoController
Returns the IDs of all label trees that must be available to apply the changes.
LargoController::getAvailableLabelTrees() — Method in classLargoController
Get label trees of projects that the user and the volume have in common.
GenerateAnnotationPatchClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo\Jobs
GenerateAnnotationPatch::getVipsImage() — Method in classGenerateAnnotationPatch
Get the vips image instance.
GenerateAnnotationPatch::getPatchRect() — Method in classGenerateAnnotationPatch
Calculate the bounding rectangle of the patch to extract.
GenerateAnnotationPatch::getTargetPath() — Method in classGenerateAnnotationPatch
Assemble the target path for an annotation patch.
Image::getLaserpointsAttribute() — Method in classImage
Return the dynamic attribute for the laser points information.
Image::getAreaAttribute() — Method in classImage
Get the area attribute from the laser point detection.
Image::getCountAttribute() — Method in classImage
Get the count attribute from the laser point detection.
Image::getMethodAttribute() — Method in classImage
Get the method attribute from the laser point detection.
Image::getDistanceAttribute() — Method in classImage
Get the distance attribute from the laser point detection.
Image::getPointsAttribute() — Method in classImage
Get the points attribute from the laser point detection.
Image::getErrorAttribute() — Method in classImage
Get the error attribute from the laser point detection.
Image::getMessageAttribute() — Method in classImage
Get the message attribute from the lase point detection.
Job::getLaserpointsForVolume() — Method in classJob
Collects all images of a volume that contain laser point annotations.
Job::gather() — Method in classJob
Perform the gather step.
$ProcessDelphiJob#gatherFileProperty in classProcessDelphiJob
Path to the output of the Delphi gather script.
ProcessImageManualJob::getLaserpointsForImage() — Method in classProcessImageManualJob
Collects the laser point annotations of the given image.
DelphiGather::getOutputPath() — Method in classDelphiGather
Get the path to the temporary ouput file of the Delphi gather script.
ReportController::getOptions() — Method in classReportController
Get the options of the requested report.
VolumeReportController::getOptions() — Method in classVolumeReportController
Get the options of the requested report.
GenerateReportJobClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Jobs
Report::getSourceNameAttribute() — Method in classReport
Get the source name dynamically if the source still exists.
Report::getReportGenerator() — Method in classReport
Get the report generator for this report;.
Report::generate() — Method in classReport
Generate the report file for this report.
Report::getSubjectAttribute() — Method in classReport
Get the subject for this report.
Report::getNameAttribute() — Method in classReport
Get the name for this report.
Report::getFilenameAttribute() — Method in classReport
Get the filename for this report.
Report::getUrl() — Method in classReport
Get the URL to download the report.
File::getPath() — Method in classFile
Returns the path to the file.
AnnotationReportGenerator::getName() — Method in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Get the report name.
AnnotationReportGenerator::getFilename() — Method in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Get the filename.
ProjectReportGenerator::generateReport() — Method in classProjectReportGenerator
Generate the report.
ProjectReportGenerator::getReportGenerator() — Method in classProjectReportGenerator
Get the report generator.
ProjectReportGenerator::getProjectSources() — Method in classProjectReportGenerator
Get sources for the sub-reports that should be generated for this project.
CsvReportGenerator::getProjectSources() — Method in classCsvReportGenerator
Get sources for the sub-reports that should be generated for this project.
ReportGenerator::get() — Method in classReportGenerator
Get the report generator for the given type.
ReportGenerator::generate() — Method in classReportGenerator
Generate the report.
ReportGenerator::generateReport() — Method in classReportGenerator
Internal function to generate the report.
ReportGenerator::getName() — Method in classReportGenerator
Get the report name.
ReportGenerator::getFilename() — Method in classReportGenerator
Get the report filename.
ReportGenerator::getFullFilename() — Method in classReportGenerator
Get the filename with extension.
ReportGenerator::getSiblingLabels() — Method in classReportGenerator
Get all labels that belong to the label tree of the given label.
ReportGenerator::getOnlyLabels() — Method in classReportGenerator
Returns the array of label ids to which this report should be restricted.
CsvReportGenerator::generateReport() — Method in classCsvReportGenerator
Generate the report.
CsvReportGenerator::getVideoLabels() — Method in classCsvReportGenerator
Get all labels that are attached to the volume of this report (through project label trees).
AbundanceReportGenerator::generateReport() — Method in classAbundanceReportGenerator
Generate the report.
AnnotationReportGenerator::getName() — Method in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Get the report name.
AnnotationReportGenerator::getFilename() — Method in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Get the filename.
AnnotationReportGenerator::getAnnotationSessionName() — Method in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Get the name of the annotation session if it exists.
AnnotationReportGenerator::getSkipIds() — Method in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Returns the annotation IDs to skip as outside of the volume export area.
AnnotationReportGenerator::getAnnotationSession() — Method in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Returns the annotation session this report should be restricted to.
AreaReportGenerator::generateReport() — Method in classAreaReportGenerator
Generate the report.
BasicReportGenerator::generateReport() — Method in classBasicReportGenerator
Generate the report.
CsvReportGenerator::generateReport() — Method in classCsvReportGenerator
Generate the report.
ExtendedReportGenerator::generateReport() — Method in classExtendedReportGenerator
Generate the report.
FullReportGenerator::generateReport() — Method in classFullReportGenerator
Generate the report.
FullReportGenerator::getArea() — Method in classFullReportGenerator
Parses the image attrs JSON object to retrieve the computed area of the laserpoint detection.
BasicReportGenerator::generateReport() — Method in classBasicReportGenerator
Generate the report.
CsvReportGenerator::generateReport() — Method in classCsvReportGenerator
Generate the report.
VolumeReportGenerator::getVolumeLabels() — Method in classVolumeReportGenerator
Get all labels that are attached to the volume of this report (through project label trees).
Volume::getExportAreaAttribute() — Method in classVolume
Return the dynamic attribute for the export area.
Uuids::generateOutput() — Method in classUuids
Generate the output that can be used as file to synchronize user UUIDs.
Controller::getQuery() — Method in classController
Get the query for the model to export.
Controller::getExport() — Method in classController
Get the new export instance.
Controller::getExportFilename() — Method in classController
Get the filename of the export archive.
LabelTreeExportController::getQuery() — Method in classLabelTreeExportController
Get the query for the model to export.
LabelTreeExportController::getExport() — Method in classLabelTreeExportController
Get the new export instance.
LabelTreeExportController::getExportFilename() — Method in classLabelTreeExportController
Get the filename of the export archive.
UserExportController::getQuery() — Method in classUserExportController
Get the query for the model to export.
UserExportController::getExport() — Method in classUserExportController
Get the new export instance.
UserExportController::getExportFilename() — Method in classUserExportController
Get the filename of the export archive.
VolumeExportController::getQuery() — Method in classVolumeExportController
Get the query for the model to export.
VolumeExportController::getExport() — Method in classVolumeExportController
Get the new export instance.
VolumeExportController::getExportFilename() — Method in classVolumeExportController
Get the filename of the export archive.
AnnotationExport::getContent() — Method in classAnnotationExport
Get the content of the export file. If a string, it is the path to the temporary file containing the content (like a CSV).
AnnotationExport::getFileName() — Method in classAnnotationExport
Get the name of the export file.
AnnotationLabelExport::getContent() — Method in classAnnotationLabelExport
Get the content of the export file. If a string, it is the path to the temporary file containing the content (like a CSV).
AnnotationLabelExport::getFileName() — Method in classAnnotationLabelExport
Get the name of the export file.
Export::getArchive() — Method in classExport
Generate the export archive file and return the temporary file path.
Export::getContent() — Method in classExport
Get the content of the export file. If a string, it is the path to the temporary file containing the content (like a CSV).
Export::getFileName() — Method in classExport
Get the name of the export file.
Export::getAdditionalExports() — Method in classExport
Get additional exports that should be included in the export archive.
ImageExport::getContent() — Method in classImageExport
Get the content of the export file. If a string, it is the path to the temporary file containing the content (like a CSV).
ImageExport::getFileName() — Method in classImageExport
Get the name of the export file.
ImageLabelExport::getContent() — Method in classImageLabelExport
Get the content of the export file. If a string, it is the path to the temporary file containing the content (like a CSV).
ImageLabelExport::getFileName() — Method in classImageLabelExport
Get the name of the export file.
LabelTreeExport::getContent() — Method in classLabelTreeExport
Get the content of the export file. If a string, it is the path to the temporary file containing the content (like a CSV).
LabelTreeExport::getFileName() — Method in classLabelTreeExport
Get the name of the export file.
LabelTreeExport::getAdditionalExports() — Method in classLabelTreeExport
Get additional exports that should be included in the export archive.
PublicLabelExport::getContent() — Method in classPublicLabelExport
Get the content of the export file. If a string, it is the path to the temporary file containing the content (like a CSV).
PublicLabelExport::getFileName() — Method in classPublicLabelExport
Get the name of the export file.
PublicLabelTreeExport::getContent() — Method in classPublicLabelTreeExport
Get the content of the export file. If a string, it is the path to the temporary file containing the content (like a CSV).
PublicLabelTreeExport::getFileName() — Method in classPublicLabelTreeExport
Get the name of the export file.
PublicLabelTreeExport::getAdditionalExports() — Method in classPublicLabelTreeExport
Get additional exports that should be included in the export archive.
UserExport::getContent() — Method in classUserExport
Get the content of the export file. If a string, it is the path to the temporary file containing the content (like a CSV).
UserExport::getFileName() — Method in classUserExport
Get the name of the export file.
VolumeExport::getContent() — Method in classVolumeExport
Get the content of the export file. If a string, it is the path to the temporary file containing the content (like a CSV).
VolumeExport::getFileName() — Method in classVolumeExport
Get the name of the export file.
VolumeExport::getAdditionalExports() — Method in classVolumeExport
Get additional exports that should be included in the export archive.
ArchiveManager::get() — Method in classArchiveManager
Get the correct import instance for the import with the given token.
ArchiveManager::generateToken() — Method in classArchiveManager
Generates a new token for an import.
LabelTreeImport::getImportLabelTrees() — Method in classLabelTreeImport
Get the contents of the label tree import file.
LabelTreeImport::getLabelTreeImportCandidates() — Method in classLabelTreeImport
Get label trees that can be imported and don't already exist.
LabelTreeImport::getLabelImportCandidates() — Method in classLabelTreeImport
Get labels of existing label trees that can be imported.
LabelTreeImport::getUserImportCandidates() — Method in classLabelTreeImport
Get users who might be implicitly imported along with a label tree.
LabelTreeImport::getUserImport() — Method in classLabelTreeImport
Get the user import instance that belongs to this import.
LabelTreeImport::getInsertLabelTrees() — Method in classLabelTreeImport
Get the array that can be used to insert the label trees that should be imported.
LabelTreeImport::getInsertUserIds() — Method in classLabelTreeImport
Get IDs of label tree admins that should be imported.
LabelTreeImport::getInsertLabels() — Method in classLabelTreeImport
Get the array that can be used to insert the labels that should be imported.
PublicLabelTreeImport::getImportLabelTree() — Method in classPublicLabelTreeImport
Get the contents of the label tree import file.
UserImport::getImportUsers() — Method in classUserImport
Get the contents of the user import file.
UserImport::getUserImportCandidates() — Method in classUserImport
Get users that can be imported.
UserImport::getConflicts() — Method in classUserImport
Get import users whose email address matches with an existing user but the UUID doesn't.
VolumeImport::getImportVolumes() — Method in classVolumeImport
Get the contents of the volume import file.
VolumeImport::getImportLabelTrees() — Method in classVolumeImport
Get the contents of the label tree import file.
VolumeImport::getVolumeImportCandidates() — Method in classVolumeImport
Get all volumes of this import augmented by the IDs of the users, label trees and labels that they require.
VolumeImport::getLabelTreeImportCandidates() — Method in classVolumeImport
Get all label trees that might have to be imported for the volumes.
VolumeImport::getLabelImportCandidates() — Method in classVolumeImport
Get all labels that might have to be imported for the volumes.
VolumeImport::getUserImportCandidates() — Method in classVolumeImport
Get the users who might have to be imported for the volumes.
VolumeImport::getUserImport() — Method in classVolumeImport
Get the user import instance that belongs to this import.
VolumeImport::getLabelTreeImport() — Method in classVolumeImport
Get the label tree import instance that belongs to this import.
VolumeImport::getCsvIdMap() — Method in classVolumeImport
Get a map of one CSV ID column to another.
VolumeImport::getRequiredEntities() — Method in classVolumeImport
Get the list of labels and users that whould need to be imported for each volume.
ProjectVideoController::getDiskAttrs() — Method in classProjectVideoController
Get the size and mime type of a video from a storage disk.
ProjectVideoController::getRemoteAttrs() — Method in classProjectVideoController
Get the size and mime type of a video from a remote source.
VideoFileController::getByteRange() — Method in classVideoFileController
Determine the byte range that should be included in the response.
ProcessNewVideo::getVideoDuration() — Method in classProcessNewVideo
Get the duration of the video.
ProcessNewVideo::generateVideoThumbnail() — Method in classProcessNewVideo
Generate a thumbnail from the video at the specified time.
ProcessNewVideo::getThumbnailTimes() — Method in classProcessNewVideo
Get the times at which thumbnails should be sampled.
TrackObject::getTrackingKeyframes() — Method in classTrackObject
Execute the object tracking method and get the resulting annotation key frames.
TrackObject::getInputJsonPath() — Method in classTrackObject
Get the path to to input file for the object tracking script.
TrackObject::getOutputJsonPath() — Method in classTrackObject
Get the path to to output file for the object tracking script.
TrackObject::getStartWindow() — Method in classTrackObject
Get the coordinates and dimensions of the start window for the object tracking script.
TrackObject::getPointsFromKeyframe() — Method in classTrackObject
Get the points of a keyframe depending on the annotation shape.
VideoPolicy::getBaseQuery() — Method in classVideoPolicy
Get the base query for all policy methods.
GreaterThanClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Rules
Video::getUrl() — Method in classVideo
Get the file URL.
Video::getDiskAttribute() — Method in classVideo
Get the name of the storage disk of this video.
Video::getPathAttribute() — Method in classVideo
Get the file path in the storage disk of this video.
Video::getGisLinkAttribute() — Method in classVideo
Get the gis_link attribute of this volume.
Video::getDoiAttribute() — Method in classVideo
Get the doi attribute of this volume.
Video::getThumbnailAttribute() — Method in classVideo
Thumbnail string of this video. Use with the thumbnail_url helper function.
Video::getThumbnailUrlAttribute() — Method in classVideo
URL to the thumbnail of this video.
Video::getThumbnailsAttribute() — Method in classVideo
Thumbnails array of this video. Use with the thumbnail_url helper function.
Video::getThumbnailsUrlAttribute() — Method in classVideo
URLs to the thumbnails of this video.
VideoAnnotation::getInterpolationPoints() — Method in classVideoAnnotation
Get the points of this annotation prepared for interpolation.
VolumeController::getProjects() — Method in classVolumeController
Get all projects that belong to a volume and that the user can access.
ProjectPolicy::getBaseQuery() — Method in classProjectPolicy
Get the base query for all policy methods.
VolumePolicy::getBaseQuery() — Method in classVolumePolicy
Get the base query for all policy methods.
Project::guests() — Method in classProject
All members of this project with the guest role.
Project::getThumbnailUrlAttribute() — Method in classProject
URL to a unique thumbnail image for this project.
ApiGuard::getTokenForRequest() — Method in classApiGuard
Get the token for the current request.
Modules::getViewMixins() — Method in classModules
Returns all mixins for a view that were registered by modules.
Modules::getMixins() — Method in classModules
Modules::getControllerMixins() — Method in classModules
Returns all mixins for a controller that were registered by modules.
Modules::getInstalledModules() — Method in classModules
Returns information about all installed BIIGLE modules
Modules::getApidocPaths() — Method in classModules
Get the registered apidoc paths of the modules.
HasJsonAttributes::getJsonAttr() — Method in classHasJsonAttributes
Get a dynamic JSON attribute.
User::getIsGlobalAdminAttribute() — Method in classUser
Determines if the user has the global admin role.
User::getSettings() — Method in classUser
Get settings of a specific key.
User::getIsInSuperUserModeAttribute() — Method in classUser
Determines if the user is currently in Super User Mode.
Volume::getActiveAnnotationSession() — Method in classVolume
Returns the active annotation session of this volume for the given user.
Volume::getThumbnailAttribute() — Method in classVolume
An image that can be used a unique thumbnail for this volume.
Volume::getThumbnailUrlAttribute() — Method in classVolume
URL to the thumbnail image of this volume.
Volume::getThumbnailsAttribute() — Method in classVolume
Several images that can be used for the preview thumbnail of a volume.
Volume::getThumbnailsUrlAttribute() — Method in classVolume
URLs to the thumbnail images of this volume.
Volume::getVideoLinkAttribute() — Method in classVolume
Get the video_link attribute of this volume.
Volume::getGisLinkAttribute() — Method in classVolume
Get the gis_link attribute of this volume.
Volume::getDoiAttribute() — Method in classVolume
Get the doi attribute of this volume.


$Annotation#hiddenProperty in classAnnotation
The attributes excluded from the model's JSON form.
$AnnotationLabel#hiddenProperty in classAnnotationLabel
The attributes excluded from the model's JSON form.
$ApiToken#hiddenProperty in classApiToken
The attributes excluded from the model's JSON form.
Apidoc::handle() — Method in classApidoc
Handle the command.
MigrateTiledImages::handle() — Method in classMigrateTiledImages
Handle the command.
NewUser::handle() — Method in classNewUser
Handle the command.
PruneNotifications::handle() — Method in classPruneNotifications
Execute the console command.
UpdateImageMetadata::handle() — Method in classUpdateImageMetadata
Handle the command.
UpdateVolumeUrls::handle() — Method in classUpdateVolumeUrls
Handle the command.
HandlerClass in namespaceBiigle\Exceptions
PruneFileCache::handle() — Method in classPruneFileCache
Execute the console command.
ClearFileCache::handle() — Method in classClearFileCache
Handle the event.
HeartbeatControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Views
RedirectIfAuthenticated::handle() — Method in classRedirectIfAuthenticated
Handle an incoming request.
SessionOnly::handle() — Method in classSessionOnly
Handle an incoming request.
$TrustProxies#headersProperty in classTrustProxies
The headers that should be used to detect proxies.
UpdateUserActivity::handle() — Method in classUpdateUserActivity
Handle an outgoing response.
$Image#hiddenProperty in classImage
The attributes hidden in the model's JSON form.
CreateNewImages::handle() — Method in classCreateNewImages
Execute the job.
DeleteVolume::handle() — Method in classDeleteVolume
Execute the job.
MigrateTiledImage::handle() — Method in classMigrateTiledImage
Execute the job.
$ProcessNewImageChunk#heightProperty in classProcessNewImageChunk
The desired thumbnail height.
ProcessNewImageChunk::handle() — Method in classProcessNewImageChunk
Execute the job.
ProcessNewImageChunk::hasTakenAtInfo() — Method in classProcessNewImageChunk
Check if an exif array contains a creation date.
ProcessNewImageChunk::hasGpsInfo() — Method in classProcessNewImageChunk
Check if an exif array contains GPS information.
ProcessNewImageChunk::hasExtendedGpsInfo() — Method in classProcessNewImageChunk
Check if an exif array contains even more GPS information.
ProcessNewImages::handle() — Method in classProcessNewImages
Execute the job.
TileSingleImage::handle() — Method in classTileSingleImage
Execute the job.
$Label#hiddenProperty in classLabel
The attributes hidden from the model's JSON form.
$LabelTree#hiddenProperty in classLabelTree
The attributes hidden from the model's JSON form.
CleanupImageTiles::handle() — Method in classCleanupImageTiles
Handle the event.
CleanupThumbnails::handle() — Method in classCleanupThumbnails
Handle the event.
Publish::handle() — Method in classPublish
Execute the command.
Publish::handle() — Method in classPublish
Execute the command.
VolumeImageController::hasAnnotation() — Method in classVolumeImageController
List the IDs of images having one or more annotations.
VolumeImageController::hasAnnotationUser() — Method in classVolumeImageController
List the IDs of images having one or more annotations of the specified user.
Install::handle() — Method in classInstall
Execute the command.
Publish::handle() — Method in classPublish
Execute the command.
ComputeNewSequence::handle() — Method in classComputeNewSequence
Execute the job.
ImagesCreatedListener::handle() — Method in classImagesCreatedListener
Handle the event.
Config::handle() — Method in classConfig
Execute the command.
Publish::handle() — Method in classPublish
Execute the command.
$GeoOverlay#hiddenProperty in classGeoOverlay
The attributes hidden in the model's JSON form.
Publish::handle() — Method in classPublish
Execute the command.
Config::handle() — Method in classConfig
Execute the command.
GenerateMissing::handle() — Method in classGenerateMissing
Execute the command.
MigratePatchStorage::handle() — Method in classMigratePatchStorage
Execute the command.
Publish::handle() — Method in classPublish
Execute the command.
GenerateAnnotationPatch::handle() — Method in classGenerateAnnotationPatch
Execute the job.
GenerateAnnotationPatch::handleImage() — Method in classGenerateAnnotationPatch
Handle a single image.
RemoveAnnotationPatches::handle() — Method in classRemoveAnnotationPatches
Execute the job.
ImagesCleanupListener::handle() — Method in classImagesCleanupListener
Handle the event.
Config::handle() — Method in classConfig
Execute the command.
Publish::handle() — Method in classPublish
Execute the command.
Job::handle() — Method in classJob
Execute the job.
ProcessDelphiJob::handle() — Method in classProcessDelphiJob
Execute the job.
ProcessImageDelphiJob::handle() — Method in classProcessImageDelphiJob
Execute the job.
ProcessImageManualJob::handle() — Method in classProcessImageManualJob
Execute the job.
ProcessManualJob::handle() — Method in classProcessManualJob
Execute the job.
ProcessVolumeDelphiJob::handle() — Method in classProcessVolumeDelphiJob
Execute the job.
Volume::hasDetectedLaserpoints() — Method in classVolume
Determines whether there are images with automatically detected laser points in this volume.
Publish::handle() — Method in classPublish
Execute the command.
Publish::handle() — Method in classPublish
Execute the command.
GenerateReportJob::handle() — Method in classGenerateReportJob
Execute the job.
$File#handleProperty in classFile
File handle.
Prune::handle() — Method in classPrune
Execute the command.
Publish::handle() — Method in classPublish
Execute the command.
Uuids::handle() — Method in classUuids
Execute the command.
Uuids::handleSync() — Method in classUuids
Read the input file and perform interactive synchronization of user UUIDs.
ImportAdminController::hideUserCredentials() — Method in classImportAdminController
Hides sensitive user credentials that should not be returned to the frontend.
PostprocessVolumeImport::handle() — Method in classPostprocessVolumeImport
Execute the job.
ArchiveManager::has() — Method in classArchiveManager
Determine if the files of an import with tthe given token exist.
Publish::handle() — Method in classPublish
Execute the command.
DeleteVideoThumbnails::handle() — Method in classDeleteVideoThumbnails
Execute the job.
ProcessNewVideo::handle() — Method in classProcessNewVideo
Execute the job.
ProcessNewVideo::handleFile() — Method in classProcessNewVideo
Process a cached video file.
TrackObject::handle() — Method in classTrackObject
Execute the job.
PrepareDeleteVideoThumbnails::handle() — Method in classPrepareDeleteVideoThumbnails
Handle the event.
$Video#hiddenProperty in classVideo
The attributes hidden from the model's JSON form.
Publish::handle() — Method in classPublish
Execute the command.
$Project#hiddenProperty in classProject
The attributes hidden from the model's JSON form.
Project::hasGeoInfo() — Method in classProject
Check if the project has volumes which have some images with GPS coordinates.
HasConstantInstancesClass in namespaceBiigle\Traits
Some models have fixed, "constant" instances. An example is the Role model, which may have e.g. the roles "admin" and "user". These are always the same and do not change.
HasJsonAttributesClass in namespaceBiigle\Traits
HasPointsAttributeClass in namespaceBiigle\Traits
$User#hiddenProperty in classUser
The attributes hidden from the model's JSON form.
$Volume#hiddenProperty in classVolume
The attributes hidden from the model's JSON form.
Volume::hasConflictingAnnotationSession() — Method in classVolume
Check if the given annotation session is in conflict with existing ones.
Volume::hasGeoInfo() — Method in classVolume
Check if the volume has some images with GPS coordinates.
Volume::hasTiledImages() — Method in classVolume
Check if the there are tiled images in this volume.


Annotation::image() — Method in classAnnotation
The image, this annotation belongs to.
ImagesDeletedClass in namespaceBiigle\Events
FileCache::isRemote() — Method in classFileCache
Determine if an file is remote, i.e. served by a public webserver.
AnnotationLabelController::index() — Method in classAnnotationLabelController
Shows all labels of the specified annotation.
ApiTokenController::index() — Method in classApiTokenController
Shows a list of all API tokens belonging to the authenticated user.
ImageAnnotationControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
ImageAnnotationController::index() — Method in classImageAnnotationController
Shows a list of all annotations of the specified image.
ImageControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
ImageLabelControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
ImageLabelController::index() — Method in classImageLabelController
Shows all labels of the specified image.
LabelTreeController::index() — Method in classLabelTreeController
Shows all label trees the user has access to.
MediaTypeController::index() — Method in classMediaTypeController
Shows all media types.
ProjectController::index() — Method in classProjectController
Shows all projects that are accessible by the requesting user.
ProjectLabelTreeController::index() — Method in classProjectLabelTreeController
Display all label trees used by the specified project.
ProjectUserController::index() — Method in classProjectUserController
Displays the users belonging to the specified project.
ProjectVolumeController::index() — Method in classProjectVolumeController
Shows a list of all volumes belonging to the specified project.
RoleController::index() — Method in classRoleController
Shows all roles.
ShapeController::index() — Method in classShapeController
Shows all shapes.
UserController::index() — Method in classUserController
Shows a list of all users.
UserPinnedProjectController::index() — Method in classUserPinnedProjectController
Shows all pinned projects of the user.
UserRegistrationController::isAdminConfirmationEnabled() — Method in classUserRegistrationController
Determines if the user registration confirmation by admins is enabled.
VisibilityController::index() — Method in classVisibilityController
Shows all visibilities.
VolumeAnnotationSessionController::index() — Method in classVolumeAnnotationSessionController
Shows a list of all annotation sessions of the specified volume.
VolumeController::index() — Method in classVolumeController
Shows all volumes the user has access to.
VolumeImageController::index() — Method in classVolumeImageController
List the image IDs of the specified volume.
RegisterController::isRegistrationDisabled() — Method in classRegisterController
Determines if the user registration mechansim is disabled.
RegisterController::isAdminConfirmationEnabled() — Method in classRegisterController
Determines if the user registration confirmation by admins is enabled.
Controller::isAutomatedRequest() — Method in classController
Determines if the request was done by an automated script (with API token or ajax).
IndexControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Views\Admin
LogsController::index() — Method in classLogsController
Shows the available logfiles.
SystemMessagesController::index() — Method in classSystemMessagesController
Shows the admin system messages page.
DashboardController::index() — Method in classDashboardController
Show the application dashboard to the user.
DashboardController::indexDashboard() — Method in classDashboardController
Show the dashboard for a logged in user.
DashboardController::indexLandingPage() — Method in classDashboardController
Show the landing page if no user is authenticated.
ImprintControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Views
ManualController::index() — Method in classManualController
Show the application manual to the user.
NotificationsController::index() — Method in classNotificationsController
Shows the notification center.
SearchController::index() — Method in classSearchController
Shows the search page.
SettingsController::index() — Method in classSettingsController
Redirects to the profile settings.
SystemMessagesController::index() — Method in classSystemMessagesController
Shows the system message list.
UpdateUserActivity::inExceptArray() — Method in classUpdateUserActivity
Determine if the request has a URI that should not update the user activity.
$StoreAnnotation#imageProperty in classStoreAnnotation
The image on which the annotation should be created.
$StoreAnnotations#imageIdsProperty in classStoreAnnotations
Unique image IDs of this request.
$StoreAnnotations#imagesProperty in classStoreAnnotations
The images on which the annotations should be created.
$StoreImageLabel#imageProperty in classStoreImageLabel
The image to which the label should be attached.
$StoreLabelTreeUser#isGlobalGuestProperty in classStoreLabelTreeUser
Determines whether the user to be attached is a global guest.
$UpdateLabelTreeUser#isGlobalGuestProperty in classUpdateLabelTreeUser
Determines whether the user to be attached is a global guest.
ImageClass in namespaceBiigle
This model stores information on an image file in the file system.
ImageLabelClass in namespaceBiigle
Pivot object for the connection between Images and Labels.
ImageLabel::image() — Method in classImageLabel
The image, this image label belongs to.
$ProcessNewImageChunk#idsProperty in classProcessNewImageChunk
IDs of the images to generate thumbnails for.
$TileSingleImage#imageProperty in classTileSingleImage
The image to generate tiles for.
Label::isUsed() — Method in classLabel
Determines if the label is used anywhere (e.g. attached to an annotation).
LogManager::isFile() — Method in classLogManager
Determine whether logs are written to files.
LogManager::isRedis() — Method in classLogManager
Determine whether logs are written to files.
ImageControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Ananas\Http\Controllers\Api
AnnotationAssistanceRequestController::index() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequestController
Show the list of all assistance requests of the user.
StoreAnnotationAssistanceRequest::invalidLabels() — Method in classStoreAnnotationAssistanceRequest
Check if the user attempts to use invalid labels for the request.
VolumeImageAreaController::index() — Method in classVolumeImageAreaController
Get the area of the images of a volume in m².
VolumeLabelController::index() — Method in classVolumeLabelController
Get all annotation labels that were used in a volume.
SearchControllerMixin::index() — Method in classSearchControllerMixin
Add image results to the search view.
InstallClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\ColorSort\Console\Commands
VolumeColorSortSequenceController::index() — Method in classVolumeColorSortSequenceController
List all color sort sequence colors of the specified volume.
ImagesCreatedListenerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\ColorSort\Listeners
ImageObserverClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\ColorSort\Observers
ProjectImageAnnotationLabelController::index() — Method in classProjectImageAnnotationLabelController
List the IDs of images of a project having one or more annotations with the specified label.
VolumeGeoOverlayController::index() — Method in classVolumeGeoOverlayController
Shows the geo overlays of the specified volume.
LabelTreeMergeController::index() — Method in classLabelTreeMergeController
Show the label tree merge index page.
LabelTreesController::index() — Method in classLabelTreesController
Show the label tree list.
SearchControllerMixin::index() — Method in classSearchControllerMixin
Add label tree results to the search view.
AnnotationsController::index() — Method in classAnnotationsController
Show annotations of a label.
LargoController::ignoreDeletedLabels() — Method in classLargoController
Removes changes to annotations that should get a new label which no longer exists.
FilterAnnotationsByLabelController::index() — Method in classFilterAnnotationsByLabelController
Show all annotations of the project that have a specific label attached.
AnnotationExamplesController::index() — Method in classAnnotationExamplesController
Show example annotations of a label or of a similar label if no annotation exists.
FilterAnnotationsByLabelController::index() — Method in classFilterAnnotationsByLabelController
Show all annotations of the volume that have a specific label attached.
LargoController::index() — Method in classLargoController
Show the Largo view for a project.
LargoController::index() — Method in classLargoController
Show the the Largo view for a volume.
ImagesCleanupListenerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo\Listeners
ImagesControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints\Http\Controllers\Api
VolumeImageController::index() — Method in classVolumeImageController
List the IDs of images having automatically detected laser points.
$ComputeImage#imageProperty in classComputeImage
The image that should be processed with laser point detection.
ImageClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints
Extends the base Biigle image.
$Image#infoParamsProperty in classImage
Properties of the laser points object.
$ProcessDelphiJob#imageProperty in classProcessDelphiJob
The image to process.
$ProcessImageDelphiJob#imageProperty in classProcessImageDelphiJob
The image to compute the area for.
$ProcessImageManualJob#imageProperty in classProcessImageManualJob
The image to compute the area for.
$ProcessManualJob#imageProperty in classProcessManualJob
The image to process.
AttachableVolumesController::index() — Method in classAttachableVolumesController
Shows all volumes that can be attached to the project by the requesting user.
SearchControllerMixin::index() — Method in classSearchControllerMixin
Add project results to the search view.
ProjectsController::index() — Method in classProjectsController
Shows the project index page.
SearchControllerMixin::index() — Method in classSearchControllerMixin
Add report results to the search view.
ReportsController::index() — Method in classReportsController
Show the reports list of the user.
AnnotationReportGenerator::isRestrictedToExportArea() — Method in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Should this report be restricted to the export area?
AnnotationReportGenerator::isRestrictedToNewestLabel() — Method in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Determines if this report should take only the newest label for each annotation.
ReportGenerator::isRestrictedToLabels() — Method in classReportGenerator
Determines if this report is restricted to a subset of labels.
CsvReportGenerator::initQuery() — Method in classCsvReportGenerator
Assembles the part of the DB query that is the same for all annotation reports.
AnnotationReportGenerator::initQuery() — Method in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Assembles the part of the DB query that is the same for all annotation reports.
AnnotationReportGenerator::isRestrictedToExportArea() — Method in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Should this report be restricted to the export area?
AnnotationReportGenerator::isRestrictedToAnnotationSession() — Method in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Should this report be restricted an annotation session?
AnnotationReportGenerator::isRestrictedToNewestLabel() — Method in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Determines if this report should take only the newest label of each annotation.
$AreaReportGenerator#imagesProperty in classAreaReportGenerator
All images that contain annotations which are included in this report.
Controller::isAllowed() — Method in classController
Determine if this kind of export is allowed by the config.
LabelTreeExportController::isAllowed() — Method in classLabelTreeExportController
Determine if this kind of export is allowed by the config.
UserExportController::isAllowed() — Method in classUserExportController
Determine if this kind of export is allowed by the config.
VolumeExportController::isAllowed() — Method in classVolumeExportController
Determine if this kind of export is allowed by the config.
ImportControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Http\Controllers\Api\Import
ExportAdminController::index() — Method in classExportAdminController
Shows the export admin page.
ImportAdminControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Http\Controllers\Views
ImportAdminController::index() — Method in classImportAdminController
Shows the import admin page.
PublicLabelTreeImportController::index() — Method in classPublicLabelTreeImportController
Shows the import admin page.
$PostprocessVolumeImport#idsProperty in classPostprocessVolumeImport
IDs of the imported volumes.
$Export#idsProperty in classExport
IDs of the models of this export.
ImageExportClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Support\Export
ImageLabelExportClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Support\Export
$ArchiveManager#importTypesProperty in classArchiveManager
Class names of available imports.
ImportClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Support\Import
$LabelTreeImport#importLabelTreesProperty in classLabelTreeImport
Caches the decoded label tree import file.
LabelTreeImport::insertLabelTrees() — Method in classLabelTreeImport
Insert label trees that should be imported in the database.
LabelTreeImport::insertLabelTreeVersions() — Method in classLabelTreeImport
Create label tree versions for imported versioned label trees.
LabelTreeImport::insertLabels() — Method in classLabelTreeImport
Insert labels that should be imported in the database.
$PublicLabelTreeImport#importLabelTreeProperty in classPublicLabelTreeImport
Caches the decoded label tree import file.
PublicLabelTreeImport::importLabels() — Method in classPublicLabelTreeImport
Import the labels of this import.
$UserImport#importUsersProperty in classUserImport
Caches the decoded user import file.
$VolumeImport#importVolumesProperty in classVolumeImport
Caches the decoded volume import file.
VolumeImport::insertVolumes() — Method in classVolumeImport
Insert import volumes into the database.
VolumeImport::insertUsers() — Method in classVolumeImport
Insert import users into the database.
VolumeImport::insertLabelTreesAndLabels() — Method in classVolumeImport
Insert import label trees and labels into the database.
VolumeImport::insertImages() — Method in classVolumeImport
Insert import images into the database.
VolumeImport::insertImageLabels() — Method in classVolumeImport
Insert import image labels into the database.
VolumeImport::insertAnnotations() — Method in classVolumeImport
Insert import annotations into the database.
ProjectVideoController::index() — Method in classProjectVideoController
Shows a list of all videos belonging to the specified project.
VideoAnnotationController::index() — Method in classVideoAnnotationController
Shows a list of all annotations of the specified video.
SearchControllerMixin::index() — Method in classSearchControllerMixin
Add video results to the search view.
Video::isRemote() — Method in classVideo
Determine if this video comes from a remote source.
VideoAnnotation::interpolatePoints() — Method in classVideoAnnotation
Get the interpolated points at a specific point of time.
VideoAnnotation::interpolateBetweenFrames() — Method in classVideoAnnotation
Get the interpolated points of this annotation between the specified frames.
VideoAnnotation::interpolateNaive() — Method in classVideoAnnotation
Interpolate between two points arrays.
VideoAnnotation::interpolationPointsToRectangle() — Method in classVideoAnnotation
Convert points that can be interpolated back to the points of a rectangle (frame).
AdminController::index() — Method in classAdminController
Shows the volumes admin page.
BrowserController::indexDirectories() — Method in classBrowserController
List directories in a storage disk.
BrowserController::indexImages() — Method in classBrowserController
List images in a storage disk.
AnyImageLabelController::index() — Method in classAnyImageLabelController
List the IDs of images having one or more image labels attached.
ImageAnnotationLabelControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Http\Controllers\Api\VolumeFilters
ImageAnnotationLabelController::index() — Method in classImageAnnotationLabelController
List the IDs of images having one or more annotations with the specified label.
ImageFilenameControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Http\Controllers\Api\VolumeFilters
ImageFilenameController::index() — Method in classImageFilenameController
List the IDs of images with a filename matching the given pattern.
ImageLabelControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Http\Controllers\Api\VolumeFilters
ImageLabelController::index() — Method in classImageLabelController
List the IDs of images having the specified label attached.
ImageLabelUserControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Http\Controllers\Api\VolumeFilters
ImageLabelUserController::index() — Method in classImageLabelUserController
List the IDs of images having one or more image labels attached by the specified user.
VolumeImageFilenamesController::index() — Method in classVolumeImageFilenamesController
Get all image filenames of a volume.
VolumeImageLabelsController::index() — Method in classVolumeImageLabelsController
Get the image labels for each image
ImageFilenameControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Http\Controllers\Api\VolumeSorters
ImageFilenameController::index() — Method in classImageFilenameController
List the image IDs of the specified volume, ordered by filename.
VolumeUsedImageLabelsController::index() — Method in classVolumeUsedImageLabelsController
Get all image labels that were used in a volume.
VolumeUserController::index() — Method in classVolumeUserController
List the users of a volume.
ImageControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Http\Controllers
ImageController::index() — Method in classImageController
Shows the image index page.
SearchControllerMixin::index() — Method in classSearchControllerMixin
Add volume results to the search view.
VolumeController::index() — Method in classVolumeController
Shows the volume index page.
InAppNotificationClass in namespaceBiigle\Notifications
A notification that is displayed through the in-app notification system.
ImageObserverClass in namespaceBiigle\Observers
ImageLabelPolicyClass in namespaceBiigle\Policies
ImagePolicyClass in namespaceBiigle\Policies
$VolumeImageUnique#imagesProperty in classVolumeImageUnique
The filenames of the images that already exist.
SystemMessage::isPublished() — Method in classSystemMessage
Returns whether this system message is published.
Volume::images() — Method in classVolume
The images belonging to this volume.
Volume::isRemote() — Method in classVolume
Check if the images of this volume come from a remote URL.


JobClass in namespaceBiigle\Jobs
JobClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints\Jobs


KernelClass in namespaceBiigle\Console
KernelClass in namespaceBiigle\Http


Annotation::labels() — Method in classAnnotation
The labels, this annotation got assigned by the users.
AnnotationLabel::label() — Method in classAnnotationLabel
The label, this annotation label belongs to.
LabelSourceAdapterContractClass in namespaceBiigle\Contracts
A label source adapter.
LabelControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
LabelSourceControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
LabelTreeAuthorizedProjectControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
LabelTreeControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
LabelTreeLabelControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
LabelTreeUserControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
LabelTreeVersionControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
LoginControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Auth
LabelsControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Views\Admin
LogsControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Views\Admin
$DestroyLabel#labelProperty in classDestroyLabel
The label to destroy.
$StoreAnnotationLabel#labelProperty in classStoreAnnotationLabel
The label that should be attached.
$StoreAnnotations#labelsProperty in classStoreAnnotations
The labels that should be attached to the new annotations.
$StoreImageLabel#labelProperty in classStoreImageLabel
The label that should be attached to the image.
$UpdateLabel#labelProperty in classUpdateLabel
The label to update.
Image::labels() — Method in classImage
The labels, this image got attached by the users.
ImageLabel::label() — Method in classImageLabel
The label, this image label belongs to.
LabelClass in namespaceBiigle
Annotations on an image can have multiple labels. A label is e.g. the type of the object visible in the region of the annotation. So if you put a circle annotation around a rock, you would label the annotation with rock.
LabelSourceClass in namespaceBiigle
The source (database) of a label.
LabelTreeClass in namespaceBiigle
A label tree is a group of labels. Projects can choose to used different label trees, which are then offered for labeling things in the project.
LabelTree::labels() — Method in classLabelTree
The labels that belong to this tree.
LabelTreeVersionClass in namespaceBiigle
LabelTreeVersion::labelTree() — Method in classLabelTreeVersion
The "master" label tree of this version.
LogManagerClass in namespaceBiigle\Logging
LabelTreeMergeControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\LabelTrees\Http\Controllers\Api
LabelTreeMergeControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\LabelTrees\Http\Controllers
LabelTreeVersionsControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\LabelTrees\Http\Controllers
LabelTreesControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\LabelTrees\Http\Controllers
LabelTreesServiceProviderClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\LabelTrees
LargoControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo\Http\Controllers\Api
LargoControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo\Http\Controllers\Api\Projects
LargoControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo\Http\Controllers\Api\Volumes
LargoControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo\Http\Controllers\Views\Projects
LargoControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo\Http\Controllers\Views\Volumes
LargoServiceProviderClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo
LaserpointsControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints\Http\Controllers\Api
$Job#labelIdProperty in classJob
ID of the laser point label.
LaserpointsServiceProviderClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints
LaserpointsScriptClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints\Support
$ReportGenerator#labelsProperty in classReportGenerator
Cache for labels of all label trees that are used for this report.
$PythonScriptRunner#linesProperty in classPythonScriptRunner
Array of output lines of the exec call.
LabelTreeExportControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Http\Controllers\Api\Export
LabelTreeExportClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Support\Export
LabelTreeImportClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Support\Import
$VolumeImport#labelTreeImportProperty in classVolumeImport
The label tree import instance that belongs to this import.
LinkVideoAnnotationControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Controllers\Api
LinkVideoAnnotationClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Requests
$StoreVideoAnnotationLabel#labelProperty in classStoreVideoAnnotationLabel
The label that should be attached.
LessThanClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Rules
VideoAnnotation::labels() — Method in classVideoAnnotation
The labels that are attached to this annotation.
VideoAnnotationLabel::label() — Method in classVideoAnnotationLabel
The label, this annotation label belongs to.
LabelPolicyClass in namespaceBiigle\Policies
LabelTreePolicyClass in namespaceBiigle\Policies
LabelTreeVersionPolicyClass in namespaceBiigle\Policies
Project::labelTrees() — Method in classProject
The label trees, this project is using.
$EventServiceProvider#listenProperty in classEventServiceProvider
The event listener mappings for the application.
User::labelTrees() — Method in classUser
The label trees, this user is a member of.


MigrateTiledImagesClass in namespaceBiigle\Console\Commands
ModulesClass in namespaceBiigle\Facades
MediaTypeControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
ManualControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Views
$Kernel#middlewareProperty in classKernel
The application's global HTTP middleware stack.
$Kernel#middlewareGroupsProperty in classKernel
The application's route middleware groups.
$Kernel#middlewarePriorityProperty in classKernel
The priority-sorted list of middleware.
AttachProjectUser::messages() — Method in classAttachProjectUser
Get the error messages for the defined validation rules.
$DestroyLabelTreeUser#memberProperty in classDestroyLabelTreeUser
The label tree member to update.
StoreLabelTreeUser::messages() — Method in classStoreLabelTreeUser
Get the error messages for the defined validation rules.
$UpdateLabelTreeUser#memberProperty in classUpdateLabelTreeUser
The label tree member to update.
UpdateLabelTreeUser::messages() — Method in classUpdateLabelTreeUser
Get the error messages for the defined validation rules.
UpdateProjectUser::messages() — Method in classUpdateProjectUser
Get the error messages for the defined validation rules.
$UpdateSystemMessage#messageProperty in classUpdateSystemMessage
The system message to update.
MigrateTiledImageClass in namespaceBiigle\Jobs
ProcessNewImageChunk::makeThumbnail() — Method in classProcessNewImageChunk
Makes a thumbnail for a single image.
LabelTree::memberCanLooseAdminStatus() — Method in classLabelTree
Check if a member can loose their admin status.
LabelTree::members() — Method in classLabelTree
The members of this label tree. Every member has a tree-specific role.
LabelTree::memberCanBeRemoved() — Method in classLabelTree
Determines if a member can be removed.
MediaTypeClass in namespaceBiigle
Volumes can contain different types of image-series. One type would be a time-series of a static camera taking photos in regular intervals for example. Another type coud be images from a moving camera.
StoreColorSortSequence::messages() — Method in classStoreColorSortSequence
Get the error messages for the defined validation rules.
MigratePatchStorageClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo\Console\Commands
GenerateAnnotationPatch::makeRectContained() — Method in classGenerateAnnotationPatch
Adjust the position and size of the patch rectangle so it is contained in the image.
ProcessDelphiJob::maybeDeleteGatherFile() — Method in classProcessDelphiJob
Handles the deletion of the gatherFile once all "sibling" jobs finished.
File::makeTmp() — Method in classFile
Creates a new temporary file.
MakesZipArchivesClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports
MakesZipArchives::makeZip() — Method in classMakesZipArchives
Create a ZIP archive as a report.
LabelTreeImport::mergeLabels() — Method in classLabelTreeImport
Merge conflicts between import labels and existing labels.
LinkVideoAnnotationController::mergeAnnotationLabels() — Method in classLinkVideoAnnotationController
Update annotation labels of the second annotation to point to the first annotation unless there already are equivalent annotation labels there.
TrackObject::maybeDeleteFile() — Method in classTrackObject
Delete a file if it exists.
GreaterThan::message() — Method in classGreaterThan
Get the validation error message.
LessThan::message() — Method in classLessThan
Get the validation error message.
$VideoUrl#messageProperty in classVideoUrl
The validation message to display.
VideoUrl::message() — Method in classVideoUrl
Get the validation error message.
$InAppNotification#messageProperty in classInAppNotification
Message (body) of the notification.
RouteServiceProvider::map() — Method in classRouteServiceProvider
Define the routes for the application.
RouteServiceProvider::mapWebRoutes() — Method in classRouteServiceProvider
Define the "web" routes for the application.
RouteServiceProvider::mapApiRoutes() — Method in classRouteServiceProvider
Define the "api" routes for the application.
Uuid4::message() — Method in classUuid4
Get the validation error message.
VolumeImageUnique::message() — Method in classVolumeImageUnique
Get the validation error message.
$VolumeImages#messageProperty in classVolumeImages
The validation message to display.
VolumeImages::message() — Method in classVolumeImages
Get the validation error message.
$VolumeUrl#messageProperty in classVolumeUrl
The validation message to display.
VolumeUrl::message() — Method in classVolumeUrl
Get the validation error message.
ModulesClass in namespaceBiigle\Services
The module registry service.
Volume::mediaType() — Method in classVolume
The media type of this volume.


$Apidoc#nameProperty in classApidoc
The console command name.
NewUserClass in namespaceBiigle\Console\Commands
$NewUser#nameProperty in classNewUser
The console command name.
NotificationControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
UsersController::newUser() — Method in classUsersController
Shows the admin new user page.
NotificationsControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Views\Notifications
SettingsController::notifications() — Method in classSettingsController
Shows the notification settings.
$ProcessNewImageChunk#needsThumbnailCacheProperty in classProcessNewImageChunk
Caches if an image needs a new thumbnail.
$ProcessNewImageChunk#needsMetadataCacheProperty in classProcessNewImageChunk
Caches if an image needs a check for metadata.
ProcessNewImageChunk::needsProcessing() — Method in classProcessNewImageChunk
Determine if an image needs to be processed.
ProcessNewImageChunk::needsThumbnail() — Method in classProcessNewImageChunk
Chack if an image needs a thumbnail.
ProcessNewImageChunk::needsMetadata() — Method in classProcessNewImageChunk
Chack if an image has missing metadata.
$Publish#nameProperty in classPublish
The console command name.
$Publish#nameProperty in classPublish
The console command name.
$Install#nameProperty in classInstall
The console command name.
$Publish#nameProperty in classPublish
The console command name.
$Config#nameProperty in classConfig
The console command name.
$Publish#nameProperty in classPublish
The console command name.
$Publish#nameProperty in classPublish
The console command name.
$Config#nameProperty in classConfig
The console command name.
$Publish#nameProperty in classPublish
The console command name.
$Config#nameProperty in classConfig
The console command name.
$Publish#nameProperty in classPublish
The console command name.
$Publish#nameProperty in classPublish
The console command name.
$Publish#nameProperty in classPublish
The console command name.
$AbundanceReportGenerator#nameProperty in classAbundanceReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$AreaReportGenerator#nameProperty in classAreaReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$BasicReportGenerator#nameProperty in classBasicReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$CsvReportGenerator#nameProperty in classCsvReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$ExtendedReportGenerator#nameProperty in classExtendedReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$FullReportGenerator#nameProperty in classFullReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$BasicReportGenerator#nameProperty in classBasicReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$CsvReportGenerator#nameProperty in classCsvReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$CsvReportGenerator#nameProperty in classCsvReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$ReportGenerator#nameProperty in classReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$CsvReportGenerator#nameProperty in classCsvReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$AbundanceReportGenerator#nameProperty in classAbundanceReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$AreaReportGenerator#nameProperty in classAreaReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$BasicReportGenerator#nameProperty in classBasicReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$CsvReportGenerator#nameProperty in classCsvReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$ExtendedReportGenerator#nameProperty in classExtendedReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$FullReportGenerator#nameProperty in classFullReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$BasicReportGenerator#nameProperty in classBasicReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$CsvReportGenerator#nameProperty in classCsvReportGenerator
Name of the report for use in text.
$Prune#nameProperty in classPrune
The console command name.
$Publish#nameProperty in classPublish
The console command name.
$Publish#nameProperty in classPublish
The console command name.
$Publish#nameProperty in classPublish
The console command name.
NewSystemMessageNotificationClass in namespaceBiigle\Notifications
$RouteServiceProvider#namespaceProperty in classRouteServiceProvider
This namespace is applied to your controller routes.


ApiToken::owner() — Method in classApiToken
The user, this token belongs to.
$ProcessNewImages#onlyProperty in classProcessNewImages
Array of image IDs to restrict processing to.
$DelphiGather#outputPathProperty in classDelphiGather
Path to the temporary ouput file of the Delphi gather script.
$ReportGenerator#optionsProperty in classReportGenerator
Options for this report.
Volume::orderedImages() — Method in classVolume
The images belonging to this volume ordered by filename (ascending).


PruneNotificationsClass in namespaceBiigle\Console\Commands
Handler::prepareException() — Method in classHandler
Prepare exception for rendering.
PruneFileCacheClass in namespaceBiigle\FileCache\Console\Commands
FileCache::prune() — Method in classFileCache
Remove cached files that are too old or exceed the maximum cache size.
FileCache::prune() — Method in classFileCache
Remove cached files that are too old or exceed the maximum cache size.
FileCacheServiceProvider::provides() — Method in classFileCacheServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
FileCacheFake::prune() — Method in classFileCacheFake
Remove cached files that are too old or exceed the maximum cache size.
ProjectControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
ProjectLabelTreeControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
ProjectUserControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
ProjectVolumeControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
PrivacyControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Views
SettingsController::profile() — Method in classSettingsController
Shows the profile settings.
$TrustProxies#proxiesProperty in classTrustProxies
The trusted proxies for this application.
$AttachProjectUser#projectProperty in classAttachProjectUser
The project to attach a user to.
$DestroyPinnedProject#projectProperty in classDestroyPinnedProject
The project to unpin.
$DestroyProjectUser#projectProperty in classDestroyProjectUser
The project to detach the user from.
$StoreLabelTree#projectProperty in classStoreLabelTree
The project to which the new label tree should be attached (if any).
$StorePinnedProject#projectProperty in classStorePinnedProject
The project to pin.
$StoreProjectLabelTree#projectProperty in classStoreProjectLabelTree
The project to attach the label tree to.
StoreUser::prepareForValidation() — Method in classStoreUser
Prepare the data for validation.
$StoreVolume#projectProperty in classStoreVolume
The project to attach the new volume to.
StoreVolume::prepareForValidation() — Method in classStoreVolume
Prepare the data for validation.
StoreVolumeImage::prepareForValidation() — Method in classStoreVolumeImage
Prepare the data for validation.
$UpdateProject#projectProperty in classUpdateProject
The project to update.
$UpdateProjectUser#projectProperty in classUpdateProjectUser
The project to update the user in.
UpdateUser::prepareForValidation() — Method in classUpdateUser
Prepare the data for validation.
ProcessNewImageChunkClass in namespaceBiigle\Jobs
ProcessNewImagesClass in namespaceBiigle\Jobs
Label::parent() — Method in classLabel
The parent label if the labels are ordered in a tree-like structure.
LabelTree::projects() — Method in classLabelTree
The projects that are using this label tree.
AnanasServiceProvider::provides() — Method in classAnanasServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
PublishClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Ananas\Console\Commands
StoreAnnotationAssistanceRequest::prepareForValidation() — Method in classStoreAnnotationAssistanceRequest
Prepare the data for validation.
AnnotationsServiceProvider::provides() — Method in classAnnotationsServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
PublishClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Annotations\Console\Commands
ColorSortServiceProvider::provides() — Method in classColorSortServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
PublishClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\ColorSort\Console\Commands
PublishClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Geo\Console\Commands
GeoServiceProvider::provides() — Method in classGeoServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
ProjectImageAnnotationLabelControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Geo\Http\Controllers\Api
ProjectControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Geo\Http\Controllers\Views
PublishClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\LabelTrees\Console\Commands
LabelTreesServiceProvider::provides() — Method in classLabelTreesServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
WormsAdapter::parseItem() — Method in classWormsAdapter
Parse a WoRMS item to the internal representation.
PublishClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo\Console\Commands
LargoServiceProvider::provides() — Method in classLargoServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
PublishClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints\Console\Commands
ProcessDelphiJobClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints\Jobs
ProcessImageDelphiJobClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints\Jobs
ProcessImageManualJobClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints\Jobs
ProcessManualJobClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints\Jobs
$ProcessManualJob#pointsProperty in classProcessManualJob
Laser point coordinates for the image.
ProcessVolumeDelphiJobClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints\Jobs
LaserpointsServiceProvider::provides() — Method in classLaserpointsServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
DelphiGather::python() — Method in classDelphiGather
Execute a python script.
PublishClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Projects\Console\Commands
ProjectsControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Projects\Http\Controllers
ProjectsServiceProviderClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Projects
ProjectsServiceProvider::provides() — Method in classProjectsServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
PublishClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Console\Commands
ProjectReportControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Http\Controllers\Api\Projects
ProjectReportsControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Http\Controllers\Views
ProjectObserverClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Observers
$ReportsServiceProvider#policiesProperty in classReportsServiceProvider
The policy mappings for the application.
ReportsServiceProvider::provides() — Method in classReportsServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
CsvFile::put() — Method in classCsvFile
Append a new row to the CSV file.
$File#pathProperty in classFile
File path.
ProjectReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Projects
AreaReportGenerator::parseRows() — Method in classAreaReportGenerator
Creates the array of annotations that is inserted into the CSV file.
PythonScriptRunnerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Volumes
$VolumeReportGenerator#pythonScriptRunnerProperty in classVolumeReportGenerator
Object that runs the Python script to generate a report.
PruneClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Console\Commands
PublishClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Console\Commands
PublicLabelTreeExportControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Http\Controllers\Api\Export
PublicLabelTreeImportControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Http\Controllers\Api\Import
PublicLabelTreeImportControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Http\Controllers\Views
PostprocessVolumeImportClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Jobs
PublicLabelExportClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Support\Export
PublicLabelTreeExportClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Support\Export
ArchiveManager::prune() — Method in classArchiveManager
Delete uploaded import files that are older than one week.
$Import#pathProperty in classImport
Path to the directory with the import files.
LabelTreeImport::perform() — Method in classLabelTreeImport
Perform the import.
PublicLabelTreeImportClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Support\Import
PublicLabelTreeImport::perform() — Method in classPublicLabelTreeImport
Perform the import.
UserImport::perform() — Method in classUserImport
Perform the import.
VolumeImport::perform() — Method in classVolumeImport
Perform the import.
SyncServiceProvider::provides() — Method in classSyncServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
PublishClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Console\Commands
ProjectVideoControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Controllers\Api
$StoreVideo#projectProperty in classStoreVideo
The project to attach the video to.
ProcessNewVideoClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Jobs
TrackObject::python() — Method in classTrackObject
Execute a Python script.
PrepareDeleteVideoThumbnailsClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Listeners
ProjectClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos
GreaterThan::passes() — Method in classGreaterThan
Determine if the validation rule passes.
LessThan::passes() — Method in classLessThan
Determine if the validation rule passes.
VideoUrl::passes() — Method in classVideoUrl
Determine if the validation rule passes.
VideoUrl::passesDiskUrl() — Method in classVideoUrl
Validate a storage disk video URL.
VideoUrl::passesRemoteUrl() — Method in classVideoUrl
Validate a remote video URL.
VideoUrl::passesMimeType() — Method in classVideoUrl
Validate the MIME type of a video
VideoUrl::passesCodec() — Method in classVideoUrl
Validate the codec of a video
Video::project() — Method in classVideo
The project this video belongs to.
VideosServiceProvider::provides() — Method in classVideosServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
PublishClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Console\Commands
VolumesServiceProvider::provides() — Method in classVolumesServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
ProjectObserverClass in namespaceBiigle\Observers
ProjectPolicyClass in namespaceBiigle\Policies
ProjectClass in namespaceBiigle
$AuthServiceProvider#policiesProperty in classAuthServiceProvider
The policy mappings for the application.
Uuid4::passes() — Method in classUuid4
Determine if the validation rule passes.
VolumeImageUnique::passes() — Method in classVolumeImageUnique
Check if the given image filenames don't already exist in the volume.
VolumeImages::passes() — Method in classVolumeImages
Check if an array of image filenames is valid.
VolumeUrl::passes() — Method in classVolumeUrl
Determine if the validation rule passes.
VolumeUrl::passesRemoteUrl() — Method in classVolumeUrl
Validate a remote volume URL.
VolumeUrl::passesDiskUrl() — Method in classVolumeUrl
Validate a storage disk volume URL.
SystemMessage::publish() — Method in classSystemMessage
Publishes this system message if it wasn't alerady published.
User::projects() — Method in classUser
The projects, this user is a member of.
Volume::parseImagesQueryString() — Method in classVolume
Parses a comma separated list of image filenames to an array.
Volume::projects() — Method in classVolume
The project(s), this volume belongs to.


CsvReportGenerator::query() — Method in classCsvReportGenerator
Assemble a new DB query for the video of this report.
AbundanceReportGenerator::query() — Method in classAbundanceReportGenerator
Assemble a new DB query for the volume of this report.
AreaReportGenerator::query() — Method in classAreaReportGenerator
Assemble a new DB query for the volume of this report.
BasicReportGenerator::query() — Method in classBasicReportGenerator
Assemble a new DB query for the volume of this report.
CsvReportGenerator::query() — Method in classCsvReportGenerator
Assemble a new DB query for the volume of this report.
ExtendedReportGenerator::query() — Method in classExtendedReportGenerator
Assemble a new DB query for the volume of this report.
FullReportGenerator::query() — Method in classFullReportGenerator
Assemble a new DB query for the volume of this report.
BasicReportGenerator::query() — Method in classBasicReportGenerator
Assemble a new DB query for the volume of this report.
CsvReportGenerator::query() — Method in classCsvReportGenerator
Assemble a new DB query for the volume of this report.


Handler::report() — Method in classHandler
Report or log an exception.
Handler::render() — Method in classHandler
Render an exception into an HTTP response.
FileCache::retrieve() — Method in classFileCache
Cache a remote or cloud storage file if it is not cached and get the path to the cached file. If the file is local, nothing will be done and the path to the local file will be returned.
FileCache::retrieveExistingFile() — Method in classFileCache
Get path and handle for a file that exists in the cache.
FileCache::retrieveNewFile() — Method in classFileCache
Get path and handle for a file that does not yet exist in the cache.
FileCacheServiceProvider::register() — Method in classFileCacheServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
FileCacheServiceProvider::registerScheduledPruneCommand() — Method in classFileCacheServiceProvider
Register the scheduled command to prune the file cache.
RoleControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
UserRegistrationController::reject() — Method in classUserRegistrationController
Reject a user sign up.
$LoginController#redirectToProperty in classLoginController
Where to redirect users after login / registration.
RegisterControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Auth
$RegisterController#redirectToProperty in classRegisterController
Where to redirect users after login / registration.
RegisterController::register() — Method in classRegisterController
Handle a registration request for the application.
RegisterController::registered() — Method in classRegisterController
The user has been registered.
ResetPasswordControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Auth
ResetPasswordController::rules() — Method in classResetPasswordController
Get the password reset validation rules.
UsersController::roleClassMap() — Method in classUsersController
Determines the Boostrap label class for a role label.
$Kernel#routeMiddlewareProperty in classKernel
The application's route middleware.
Authenticate::redirectTo() — Method in classAuthenticate
Get the path the user should be redirected to when they are not authenticated.
RedirectIfAuthenticatedClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Middleware
AttachProjectUser::rules() — Method in classAttachProjectUser
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
DestroyAnnotationSession::rules() — Method in classDestroyAnnotationSession
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
DestroyLabel::rules() — Method in classDestroyLabel
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
DestroyLabelTree::rules() — Method in classDestroyLabelTree
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
DestroyLabelTreeUser::rules() — Method in classDestroyLabelTreeUser
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
DestroyLabelTreeVersion::rules() — Method in classDestroyLabelTreeVersion
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
DestroyPinnedProject::rules() — Method in classDestroyPinnedProject
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
DestroyProjectUser::rules() — Method in classDestroyProjectUser
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
DestroyUser::rules() — Method in classDestroyUser
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreAnnotation::rules() — Method in classStoreAnnotation
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreAnnotationLabel::rules() — Method in classStoreAnnotationLabel
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreAnnotationSession::rules() — Method in classStoreAnnotationSession
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreAnnotations::rules() — Method in classStoreAnnotations
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreImageLabel::rules() — Method in classStoreImageLabel
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreLabel::rules() — Method in classStoreLabel
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreLabelTree::rules() — Method in classStoreLabelTree
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreLabelTreeAuthorizedProject::rules() — Method in classStoreLabelTreeAuthorizedProject
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreLabelTreeUser::rules() — Method in classStoreLabelTreeUser
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreLabelTreeVersion::rules() — Method in classStoreLabelTreeVersion
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StorePinnedProject::rules() — Method in classStorePinnedProject
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreProject::rules() — Method in classStoreProject
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreProjectLabelTree::rules() — Method in classStoreProjectLabelTree
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreSystemMessage::rules() — Method in classStoreSystemMessage
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreUser::rules() — Method in classStoreUser
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreVolume::rules() — Method in classStoreVolume
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreVolumeImage::rules() — Method in classStoreVolumeImage
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
UpdateAnnotationSession::rules() — Method in classUpdateAnnotationSession
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
UpdateLabel::rules() — Method in classUpdateLabel
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
UpdateLabelTree::rules() — Method in classUpdateLabelTree
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
UpdateLabelTreeUser::rules() — Method in classUpdateLabelTreeUser
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
UpdateLabelTreeVersion::rules() — Method in classUpdateLabelTreeVersion
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
UpdateProject::rules() — Method in classUpdateProject
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
UpdateProjectUser::rules() — Method in classUpdateProjectUser
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
UpdateSystemMessage::rules() — Method in classUpdateSystemMessage
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
UpdateUser::rules() — Method in classUpdateUser
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
UpdateVolume::rules() — Method in classUpdateVolume
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
LabelTree::replicateLabelsOf() — Method in classLabelTree
Replicate all labels of one label tree to this one.
AnanasServiceProvider::register() — Method in classAnanasServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
AnanasServiceProvider::registerEloquentFactoriesFrom() — Method in classAnanasServiceProvider
Register factories.
AnnotationAssistanceRequest::receiver() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequest
The (optional) user that should receive the assistance request.
AnnotationAssistanceRequestController::respond() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequestController
Respond to an assistance request.
StoreAnnotationAssistanceRequest::rules() — Method in classStoreAnnotationAssistanceRequest
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreAnnotationAssistanceRequest::rateLimitApplies() — Method in classStoreAnnotationAssistanceRequest
Check if the rate limit of creating new requests applies.
UpdateAnnotationAssistanceRequest::rules() — Method in classUpdateAnnotationAssistanceRequest
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
$AnnotationAssistanceRequest#requestProperty in classAnnotationAssistanceRequest
The annotation assistance request.
AnnotationsServiceProvider::register() — Method in classAnnotationsServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
ColorSortServiceProvider::register() — Method in classColorSortServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
StoreColorSortSequence::rules() — Method in classStoreColorSortSequence
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
GeoServiceProvider::register() — Method in classGeoServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
$StoreMerge#removeProperty in classStoreMerge
Array of label IDs to remove.
StoreMerge::rules() — Method in classStoreMerge
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
LabelTreesServiceProvider::register() — Method in classLabelTreesServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
RemoveAnnotationPatchesClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Largo\Jobs
LargoServiceProvider::register() — Method in classLargoServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
ComputeImage::rules() — Method in classComputeImage
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
ComputeVolume::rules() — Method in classComputeVolume
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
Image::readyForManualDetection() — Method in classImage
Determines if this image has a valid number of manually annotated laser points.
LaserpointsServiceProvider::register() — Method in classLaserpointsServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
Volume::readyForDelphiDetection() — Method in classVolume
Determines if the images of this volume can be processed with Delphi.
ProjectsServiceProvider::register() — Method in classProjectsServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
ReportControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Http\Controllers\Api
ReportsControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Http\Controllers\Api
ReportsControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Http\Controllers\Views
$GenerateReportJob#reportProperty in classGenerateReportJob
The report that should be generated.
ReportReadyClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Notifications
$ReportReady#reportProperty in classReportReady
The report that is ready.
ReportObserverClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Observers
ReportPolicyClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Policies
ReportClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports
$Report#reportGeneratorProperty in classReport
The report generator for this report.
ReportTypeClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports
ReportsServiceProviderClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports
ReportsServiceProvider::register() — Method in classReportsServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
ReportsServiceProvider::registerEloquentFactoriesFrom() — Method in classReportsServiceProvider
Register factories.
$AbundanceReportGenerator#reportClassProperty in classAbundanceReportGenerator
The class of the volume report to use for this project report.
$AreaReportGenerator#reportClassProperty in classAreaReportGenerator
The class of the volume report to use for this project report.
$BasicReportGenerator#reportClassProperty in classBasicReportGenerator
The class of the volume report to use for this project report.
$CsvReportGenerator#reportClassProperty in classCsvReportGenerator
The class of the volume report to use for this project report.
$ExtendedReportGenerator#reportClassProperty in classExtendedReportGenerator
The class of the volume report to use for this project report.
$FullReportGenerator#reportClassProperty in classFullReportGenerator
The class of the volume report to use for this project report.
$BasicReportGenerator#reportClassProperty in classBasicReportGenerator
The class of the volume report to use for this project report.
$CsvReportGenerator#reportClassProperty in classCsvReportGenerator
The class of the volume report to use for this project report.
$ProjectReportGenerator#reportClassProperty in classProjectReportGenerator
The class of the report generator to use for this project report.
$CsvReportGenerator#reportClassProperty in classCsvReportGenerator
The class of the video report to use for this project report.
ReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports
CsvReportGenerator::restrictToLabelsQuery() — Method in classCsvReportGenerator
Callback to be used in a when query statement that restricts the results to a specific subset of annotation labels.
AnnotationReportGenerator::restrictToExportAreaQuery() — Method in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Callback to be used in a when query statement that restricts the resulting annotations to the export area of the reansect of this report (if there is any).
AnnotationReportGenerator::restrictToAnnotationSessionQuery() — Method in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Callback to be used in a when query statement that restricts the resulting annotation labels to the annotation session of this report.
AnnotationReportGenerator::restrictToNewestLabelQuery() — Method in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Callback to be used in a when query statement that restricts the results to the newest annotation labels of each annotation.
AnnotationReportGenerator::restrictToLabelsQuery() — Method in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Callback to be used in a when query statement that restricts the results to a specific subset of annotation labels.
BasicReportGenerator::restrictToLabelsQuery() — Method in classBasicReportGenerator
Callback to be used in a when query statement that restricts the results to a specific subset of annotation labels.
CsvReportGenerator::restrictToLabelsQuery() — Method in classCsvReportGenerator
Callback to be used in a when query statement that restricts the results to a specific subset of annotation labels.
PythonScriptRunner::run() — Method in classPythonScriptRunner
Execute the external report parsing Python script.
ShowPublicLabelTreeExport::rules() — Method in classShowPublicLabelTreeExport
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
SyncServiceProvider::register() — Method in classSyncServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
DestroyVideo::rules() — Method in classDestroyVideo
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
DestroyVideoAnnotationLabel::rules() — Method in classDestroyVideoAnnotationLabel
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
LinkVideoAnnotation::rules() — Method in classLinkVideoAnnotation
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
SplitVideoAnnotation::rules() — Method in classSplitVideoAnnotation
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreVideo::rules() — Method in classStoreVideo
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreVideoAnnotation::rules() — Method in classStoreVideoAnnotation
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
StoreVideoAnnotationLabel::rules() — Method in classStoreVideoAnnotationLabel
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
UpdateVideo::rules() — Method in classUpdateVideo
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
UpdateVideoAnnotation::rules() — Method in classUpdateVideoAnnotation
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
VideoAnnotation::rectangleToInterpolationPoints() — Method in classVideoAnnotation
Convert the points array of a rectangle (frame) to points that can be interpolated.
VideosServiceProvider::register() — Method in classVideosServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
VideosServiceProvider::registerEloquentFactoriesFrom() — Method in classVideosServiceProvider
Register factories.
BrowserController::removePrefix() — Method in classBrowserController
Removes a prefix from all strings in an array.
VolumesServiceProvider::register() — Method in classVolumesServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
RegistrationAcceptedClass in namespaceBiigle\Notifications
RegistrationConfirmationClass in namespaceBiigle\Notifications
RegistrationRejectedClass in namespaceBiigle\Notifications
CachedPolicy::remember() — Method in classCachedPolicy
Wrapper for the Cache::remember function of the array cache.
LabelTreePolicy::removeMember() — Method in classLabelTreePolicy
Determine if the user can remove the given member from the given label tree.
ProjectPolicy::removeMember() — Method in classProjectPolicy
Determine if user can remove the given project member from the given project.
Project::removeUserId() — Method in classProject
Removes the user by ID from this project.
Project::removeVolume() — Method in classProject
Detaches the volume from this project. Fails if this is the last project, the volume is attached to, unless force is true.
Project::removeAllVolumes() — Method in classProject
Detaches all volumes from this project. Fails if this is the last project, one of the volumes is attached to, unless force is true.
AppServiceProvider::register() — Method in classAppServiceProvider
Register any application services.
RouteServiceProviderClass in namespaceBiigle\Providers
RoleClass in namespaceBiigle
A role of a user. Users have one global role and can have many project- specific roles.
Modules::register() — Method in classModules
Register module assets in one step.
Modules::registerViewMixin() — Method in classModules
Registers a new view mixin of a module for a view.
Modules::registerControllerMixin() — Method in classModules
Registers a new controller mixin of a module.
User::role() — Method in classUser
The global role of this user.


Annotation::scopeVisibleFor() — Method in classAnnotation
Scope a query to only include annotations that are visible for a certain user.
Annotation::scopeWithLabel() — Method in classAnnotation
Scope a query to only include annotations that have a certain label attached.
Annotation::scopeAllowedBySession() — Method in classAnnotation
Scope a query to only include annotations allowed by the session for the user.
Annotation::shape() — Method in classAnnotation
The shape of this annotation.
AnnotationSession::setStartsAtAttribute() — Method in classAnnotationSession
Set the start date.
AnnotationSession::setEndsAtAttribute() — Method in classAnnotationSession
Set the end date.
$MigrateTiledImages#signatureProperty in classMigrateTiledImages
The name and signature of the console command.
$PruneNotifications#signatureProperty in classPruneNotifications
The name and signature of the console command.
$UpdateImageMetadata#signatureProperty in classUpdateImageMetadata
The name and signature of the console command.
UpdateImageMetadata::stripTileProperties() — Method in classUpdateImageMetadata
Removes the tileProperties attribute from images.
$UpdateVolumeUrls#signatureProperty in classUpdateVolumeUrls
The name and signature of the console command.
Kernel::schedule() — Method in classKernel
Define the application's command schedule.
$PruneFileCache#signatureProperty in classPruneFileCache
The name and signature of the console command.
$FileCache#storageProperty in classFileCache
File FilesystemManager instance to use
AnnotationController::show() — Method in classAnnotationController
Displays the annotation.
AnnotationController::store() — Method in classAnnotationController
Create new annotations
AnnotationLabelController::store() — Method in classAnnotationLabelController
Creates a new label for the specified annotation.
ApiTokenController::store() — Method in classApiTokenController
Creates a new API token.
ImageAnnotationController::store() — Method in classImageAnnotationController
Creates a new annotation in the specified image.
ImageController::show() — Method in classImageController
Shows the specified image.
ImageController::showFile() — Method in classImageController
Shows the specified image file.
ImageLabelController::store() — Method in classImageLabelController
Creates a new label for the specified image.
LabelTreeAuthorizedProjectController::store() — Method in classLabelTreeAuthorizedProjectController
Authorize a project to use a private label tree.
LabelTreeController::show() — Method in classLabelTreeController
Shows a label tree.
LabelTreeController::store() — Method in classLabelTreeController
Creates a new label tree.
LabelTreeLabelController::store() — Method in classLabelTreeLabelController
Add labels to a label tree.
LabelTreeUserController::store() — Method in classLabelTreeUserController
Add a member to a label tree.
LabelTreeVersionController::store() — Method in classLabelTreeVersionController
Creates a new label tree version.
MediaTypeController::show() — Method in classMediaTypeController
Displays the specified media type.
ProjectController::show() — Method in classProjectController
Displays the specified project.
ProjectController::store() — Method in classProjectController
Creates a new project.
ProjectLabelTreeController::store() — Method in classProjectLabelTreeController
Adds a label tree to the specified project.
ProjectVolumeController::store() — Method in classProjectVolumeController
Creates a new volume associated to the specified project.
RoleController::show() — Method in classRoleController
Displays the specified role.
ShapeControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
ShapeController::show() — Method in classShapeController
Displays the specified shape.
SystemMessageControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
SystemMessageController::store() — Method in classSystemMessageController
Creates a new system message.
UserController::show() — Method in classUserController
Shows the specified user.
UserController::showOwn() — Method in classUserController
Shows the requesting user.
UserController::store() — Method in classUserController
Creates a new user.
UserPinnedProjectController::store() — Method in classUserPinnedProjectController
Pin a project.
VisibilityController::show() — Method in classVisibilityController
Displays the specified visibility.
VolumeAnnotationSessionController::store() — Method in classVolumeAnnotationSessionController
Creates a new annotation session for the specified volume.
VolumeController::show() — Method in classVolumeController
Displays the specified volume.
VolumeImageController::store() — Method in classVolumeImageController
Add images to the specified volume.
ForgotPasswordController::sendResetLinkEmail() — Method in classForgotPasswordController
Send a reset link to the given user.
RegisterController::showRegistrationForm() — Method in classRegisterController
Show the application registration form.
LogsController::show() — Method in classLogsController
Shows a specific logfile.
SystemMessagesControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Views\Admin
UsersController::show() — Method in classUsersController
Shows the user information page.
HeartbeatController::store() — Method in classHeartbeatController
Do nothing but to keep the CSRF token valid.
ImprintController::show() — Method in classImprintController
Show the the imprint view.
PrivacyController::show() — Method in classPrivacyController
Show the the privacy view.
SearchControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Views
SettingsControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Views
SystemMessagesControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Views\SystemMessages
SystemMessagesController::show() — Method in classSystemMessagesController
Show a system message.
TermsController::show() — Method in classTermsController
Show the the terms view.
SessionOnlyClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Middleware
Middleware to allow session cookie authentication for the route only.
$DestroyAnnotationSession#sessionProperty in classDestroyAnnotationSession
The annotation session that should be deleted.
StoreAnnotationClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
StoreAnnotationLabelClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
StoreAnnotationSessionClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
StoreAnnotationsClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
StoreImageLabelClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
StoreLabelClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
StoreLabelTreeClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
StoreLabelTreeAuthorizedProjectClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
StoreLabelTreeUserClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
StoreLabelTreeVersionClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
StorePinnedProjectClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
StoreProjectClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
StoreProjectLabelTreeClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
StoreSystemMessageClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
StoreUserClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
StoreVolumeClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
StoreVolumeImageClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
$UpdateAnnotationSession#sessionProperty in classUpdateAnnotationSession
The annotation session that should be updated.
Image::setMetadataAttribute() — Method in classImage
Set the image metadata attribute.
Image::setWidthAttribute() — Method in classImage
Set the width attribute.
Image::setHeightAttribute() — Method in classImage
Set the height attribute.
Image::setSizeAttribute() — Method in classImage
Set the size attribute.
Image::setMimetypeAttribute() — Method in classImage
Set the mimetype attribute.
Image::setTilingInProgressAttribute() — Method in classImage
Set the tilingInProgress attribute.
ProcessNewImageChunk::shouldBeTiled() — Method in classProcessNewImageChunk
Determine if an image should be tiled.
Label::setColorAttribute() — Method in classLabel
Remove the optional '#' from a hexadecimal color.
LabelTree::scopePublicTrees() — Method in classLabelTree
Scope a query to public label trees.
LabelTree::scopePrivateTrees() — Method in classLabelTree
Scope a query to private label trees.
LabelTree::scopeAccessibleBy() — Method in classLabelTree
Scope a query to all trees that are accessible by a user.
LabelTree::scopeWithoutVersions() — Method in classLabelTree
Scope a query to all trees that are not a varsion of another tree.
LabelTree::scopeGlobal() — Method in classLabelTree
Scope a query to all "global" trees.
LabelTreeVersion::setDoiAttribute() — Method in classLabelTreeVersion
Set the doi attribute of this version.
AnnotationAssistanceRequestController::store() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequestController
Create a new annotation assistance request.
ImageController::show() — Method in classImageController
Shows the image file that belongs to the assistance request.
SettingsControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Ananas\Http\Controllers\Api
SettingsController::store() — Method in classSettingsController
Update the user settings for annotation assistance requests.
AnnotationAssistanceRequestController::show() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequestController
Show an assistance request.
StoreAnnotationAssistanceRequestClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Ananas\Http\Requests
UsersControllerMixin::show() — Method in classUsersControllerMixin
Add project statistics to the view.
SearchControllerMixinClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Annotations\Http\Controllers\Mixins\Views
AnnotationController::show() — Method in classAnnotationController
Redirect to the annotator link that shows a specified annotation.
AnnotationToolController::show() — Method in classAnnotationToolController
Shows the annotation tool.
VolumeColorSortSequenceController::show() — Method in classVolumeColorSortSequenceController
Show the sequence of images sorted by a specific color.
VolumeColorSortSequenceController::store() — Method in classVolumeColorSortSequenceController
Request a new color sort sequence.
StoreColorSortSequenceClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\ColorSort\Http\Requests
$ComputeNewSequence#sequenceProperty in classComputeNewSequence
The color sort sequence that should be computed.
SequenceClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\ColorSort
This model represents a sequence of volume images sorted by a specific color.
SortClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\ColorSort\Support
Wrapper for the color sort script.
GeoOverlay::storeFile() — Method in classGeoOverlay
Store the uploaded image file of thes geo overlay.
GeoOverlayController::showFile() — Method in classGeoOverlayController
Shows the specified geo overlay file.
VolumeGeoOverlayController::storePlain() — Method in classVolumeGeoOverlayController
Stores a new geo overlay that was uploaded with the plain method.
ProjectController::show() — Method in classProjectController
Shows the project geo page.
VolumeController::show() — Method in classVolumeController
Shows the volume geo page.
LabelTreeMergeController::store() — Method in classLabelTreeMergeController
Add or remove many labels of a tree.
LabelTreeMergeController::show() — Method in classLabelTreeMergeController
Show the label tree merge page.
LabelTreeVersionsController::show() — Method in classLabelTreeVersionsController
Show the label tree version page.
LabelTreesController::show() — Method in classLabelTreesController
Show the label tree page.
LabelTreesController::showMasterLabelTree() — Method in classLabelTreesController
Show the label tree page of a master label tree.
LabelTreesController::showVersionedLabelTree() — Method in classLabelTreesController
Show the label tree page of a versioned label tree.
SearchControllerMixinClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\LabelTrees\Http\Controllers\Mixins\Views
StoreMergeClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\LabelTrees\Http\Requests
WormsAdapter::setSoapClient() — Method in classWormsAdapter
Set the SOAP client instance to use for requests.
$GenerateMissing#signatureProperty in classGenerateMissing
The name and signature of the console command.
$MigratePatchStorage#signatureProperty in classMigratePatchStorage
The name and signature of the console command.
LargoController::save() — Method in classLargoController
Save changes of an Largo session for a project.
LargoController::save() — Method in classLargoController
Save changes of an Largo session for a volume.
AnnotationCatalogController::show() — Method in classAnnotationCatalogController
Show the annotation catalog of a label tree.
GenerateAnnotationPatch::shouldRetryAfterException() — Method in classGenerateAnnotationPatch
Determine if this job should retry instead of fail after an exception
RemoveAnnotationPatches::submitChunkedJobs() — Method in classRemoveAnnotationPatches
Submit more instances of this job that should process smaller chunks.
AnnotationObserver::saved() — Method in classAnnotationObserver
Handle the event of creating/saving a single annotation.
ImagesController::showLaserpoints() — Method in classImagesController
Show laserpoint data for this image.
Image::setLaserpointsAttribute() — Method in classImage
Set or update the dynamic attribute for the laser points information.
UsersControllerMixin::show() — Method in classUsersControllerMixin
Add project statistics to the view.
SearchControllerMixinClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Projects\Http\Controllers\Mixins\Views
ProjectsController::show() — Method in classProjectsController
Shows the project show page.
ProjectReportController::store() — Method in classProjectReportController
Generate a project report.
ReportsController::show() — Method in classReportsController
Shows the specified report file.
SettingsControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Http\Controllers\Api
SettingsController::store() — Method in classSettingsController
Update the user settings for reports.
VideoReportController::store() — Method in classVideoReportController
Generate a video report.
ExportAreaController::show() — Method in classExportAreaController
Show the export area of the volume.
ExportAreaController::store() — Method in classExportAreaController
Set the export area.
VolumeReportController::store() — Method in classVolumeReportController
Generate a volume report.
SearchControllerMixinClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Http\Controllers\Mixins\Views
ProjectReportsController::show() — Method in classProjectReportsController
Show the project reports view.
VideoReportsController::show() — Method in classVideoReportsController
Show the video reports view.
VolumeReportsController::show() — Method in classVolumeReportsController
Show the volumes reports view.
Report::source() — Method in classReport
Source of the report (\Biigle\Volume, \Biigle\Project or \Biigle\Modules\Videos\Video).
Report::setReportGenerator() — Method in classReport
Set the report generator for this model.
MakesZipArchives::sanitizeFilename() — Method in classMakesZipArchives
Sanitizes a filename.
$ReportGenerator#sourceProperty in classReportGenerator
Source this report belongs to (e.g. a volume).
ReportGenerator::setSource() — Method in classReportGenerator
Set the source.
ReportGenerator::shouldSeparateLabelTrees() — Method in classReportGenerator
Should this report separate the output files for different label trees?
AnnotationReportGenerator::shouldAggregateChildLabels() — Method in classAnnotationReportGenerator
Determines if this report should aggregate child labels.
AreaReportGenerator::setSize() — Method in classAreaReportGenerator
Calculate the pixel/sqm size and dimensions for an annotation.
VolumeReportGenerator::setPythonScriptRunner() — Method in classVolumeReportGenerator
Set the Python script runner object.
Volume::setExportAreaAttribute() — Method in classVolume
Set or update the dynamic attribute for the export area.
$Uuids#signatureProperty in classUuids
The name and signature of the console command.
Controller::show() — Method in classController
Handle a generic export request.
PublicLabelTreeExportController::show() — Method in classPublicLabelTreeExportController
Handle a public label tree export request.
ImportController::store() — Method in classImportController
Initiate a new import.
PublicLabelTreeImportController::store() — Method in classPublicLabelTreeImportController
Perform a public label tree import.
ImportAdminController::show() — Method in classImportAdminController
Shows the import admin page for a specific import which wasn't completed yet.
ImportAdminController::showUserImport() — Method in classImportAdminController
Show the view for an unfinished user import.
ImportAdminController::showLabelTreeImport() — Method in classImportAdminController
Show the view for an unfinished label tree import.
ImportAdminController::showVolumeImport() — Method in classImportAdminController
Show the view for an unfinished volume tree import.
ShowPublicLabelTreeExportClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Http\Requests
ArchiveManager::store() — Method in classArchiveManager
Stores an uploaded archive file and returns its token.
SyncServiceProviderClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync
LinkVideoAnnotationController::store() — Method in classLinkVideoAnnotationController
Link two video annotations
ProjectVideoController::store() — Method in classProjectVideoController
Creates a new video associated to the specified project.
SplitVideoAnnotationControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Controllers\Api
SplitVideoAnnotationController::store() — Method in classSplitVideoAnnotationController
Split the video annotation
VideoAnnotationController::show() — Method in classVideoAnnotationController
Shows a video annotation.
VideoAnnotationController::store() — Method in classVideoAnnotationController
Creates a new annotation in the specified video.
VideoAnnotationLabelController::store() — Method in classVideoAnnotationLabelController
Attach a label to a video annotation
VideoFileController::show() — Method in classVideoFileController
Get a video file.
UsersControllerMixin::show() — Method in classUsersControllerMixin
Add project statistics to the view.
SearchControllerMixinClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Controllers\Mixins
VideoController::show() — Method in classVideoController
Show the video annotation tool.
VideoController::store() — Method in classVideoController
Shows the create video page.
$LinkVideoAnnotation#secondAnnotationProperty in classLinkVideoAnnotation
The second annotation that should be linked.
SplitVideoAnnotationClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Requests
StoreVideoClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Requests
StoreVideoAnnotationClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Requests
StoreVideoAnnotation::shouldTrack() — Method in classStoreVideoAnnotation
Determine if the new annotation should be tracked.
StoreVideoAnnotationLabelClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Requests
Video::scopeAccessibleBy() — Method in classVideo
Scope a query to all videos that are accessible by a user.
Video::setGisLinkAttribute() — Method in classVideo
Set the gis_link attribute of this volume.
Video::setDoiAttribute() — Method in classVideo
Set the doi attribute of this volume.
VideoAnnotation::shape() — Method in classVideoAnnotation
The shape of this annotation.
VideoAnnotation::setPointsAttribute() — Method in classVideoAnnotation
Round the floats of the points array to 2 decimals before saving.
VolumeImageMetadataController::store() — Method in classVolumeImageMetadataController
Add or update image metadata for a volume.
UsersControllerMixin::show() — Method in classUsersControllerMixin
Add volume statistics to the view.
SearchControllerMixinClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Http\Controllers\Mixins\Views
SystemMessagePolicyClass in namespaceBiigle\Policies
Project::scopeInCommon() — Method in classProject
Scope a query to all projects that the user and the volume with the given ID have in common.
$VolumeImages#sampleCountProperty in classVolumeImages
Number of sample images to check for existence.
VolumeImages::sampleImagesExist() — Method in classVolumeImages
Check a random sample of the image files for existence.
ShapeClass in namespaceBiigle
A shape, e.g. point or circle.
SystemMessageClass in namespaceBiigle
System messages are broadcasts from the application administrators that reach all users of the instance. Whenevr a new system message is published, each user will get a notification to read it.
SystemMessage::scopePublished() — Method in classSystemMessage
All published system messages.
SystemMessageTypeClass in namespaceBiigle
HasJsonAttributes::setJsonAttr() — Method in classHasJsonAttributes
Set a dynamic JSON attribute.
HasPointsAttribute::setPointsAttribute() — Method in classHasPointsAttribute
Round the floats of the points array to 2 decimals before saving.
User::setEmailAttribute() — Method in classUser
Set the email attribute and transform it to lowercase.
User::setSettings() — Method in classUser
Set settings and merge them with the existing settings.
User::setIsInSuperUserModeAttribute() — Method in classUser
Enables or disables Super User Mode if the user is a global admin.
Volume::scopeAccessibleBy() — Method in classVolume
Scope a query to all volumes that are accessible by a user.
Volume::setMediaType() — Method in classVolume
Sets the media type of this volume.
Volume::setMediaTypeId() — Method in classVolume
Sets the media type of this volume to the media type with the given ID.
Volume::setUrlAttribute() — Method in classVolume
Set the url attribute of this volume.
Volume::setVideoLinkAttribute() — Method in classVolume
Set the video_link attribute of this volume.
Volume::setGisLinkAttribute() — Method in classVolume
Set the gis_link attribute of this volume.
Volume::setDoiAttribute() — Method in classVolume
Set the doi attribute of this volume.


TiledImagesDeletedClass in namespaceBiigle\Events
ManualController::tutorialsArticle() — Method in classManualController
Show a tutorials article.
SettingsController::tokens() — Method in classSettingsController
Shows the tokens settings.
TermsControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Views
TrimStringsClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Middleware
TrustProxiesClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Middleware
UpdateUserActivity::terminate() — Method in classUpdateUserActivity
Perform any final actions for the request lifecycle.
VerifyCsrfToken::tokensMatch() — Method in classVerifyCsrfToken
Determine if the request has a URI that should pass through CSRF verification.
$DestroyLabelTree#treeProperty in classDestroyLabelTree
The label tree to destroy.
$DestroyLabelTreeUser#treeProperty in classDestroyLabelTreeUser
The label tree to attach a user to.
$StoreLabel#treeProperty in classStoreLabel
The label tree to which the label should be attached.
$StoreLabelTreeAuthorizedProject#treeProperty in classStoreLabelTreeAuthorizedProject
The label tree to attach an authorized project to.
$StoreLabelTreeUser#treeProperty in classStoreLabelTreeUser
The label tree to attach a user to.
$StoreLabelTreeVersion#treeProperty in classStoreLabelTreeVersion
The label tree from which a new version should be created.
$UpdateLabelTree#treeProperty in classUpdateLabelTree
The label tree to update.
$UpdateLabelTreeUser#treeProperty in classUpdateLabelTreeUser
The label tree to attach a user to.
$Image#timestampsProperty in classImage
Don't maintain timestamps for this model.
$ProcessNewImageChunk#thresholdProperty in classProcessNewImageChunk
If the image dimensions exceed this threshold the imag eshould be tiled.
TileSingleImageClass in namespaceBiigle\Jobs
$TileSingleImage#tempPathProperty in classTileSingleImage
Path to the temporary storage file for the tiles.
$Label#timestampsProperty in classLabel
Don't maintain timestamps for this model.
Label::tree() — Method in classLabel
The label tree this label belongs to.
$LabelSource#timestampsProperty in classLabelSource
Don't maintain timestamps for this model.
$LabelTreeVersion#timestampsProperty in classLabelTreeVersion
Don't maintain timestamps for this model.
$MediaType#timestampsProperty in classMediaType
Don't maintain timestamps for this model.
AnnotationAssistanceRequest::toMail() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequest
Get the mail representation of the notification.
AnnotationAssistanceRequest::toArray() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequest
Get the array representation of the notification.
$ComputeNewSequence#triesProperty in classComputeNewSequence
The number of times the job may be attempted.
$Sequence#tableProperty in classSequence
The table associated with the model.
$Sequence#timestampsProperty in classSequence
Don't maintain timestamps for this model.
$GeoOverlay#timestampsProperty in classGeoOverlay
Don't maintain timestamps for this model.
LabelTreesController::tutorial() — Method in classLabelTreesController
Show a tutorials article.
$StoreMerge#treeProperty in classStoreMerge
The label tree to create/remove the labels of.
$GenerateAnnotationPatch#targetDiskProperty in classGenerateAnnotationPatch
The storage disk to store the annotation patches to.
$ProcessDelphiJob#triesProperty in classProcessDelphiJob
The number of times the job may be attempted.
ProjectsController::tutorial() — Method in classProjectsController
Show a tutorials article.
ReportReady::toMail() — Method in classReportReady
Get the mail representation of the notification.
ReportReady::toArray() — Method in classReportReady
Get the array representation of the notification.
Report::type() — Method in classReport
Type of the report.
$ReportType#timestampsProperty in classReportType
Don't maintain timestamps for this model.
$ReportGenerator#tmpFilesProperty in classReportGenerator
Temporary files that are created when generating a report.
$ShowPublicLabelTreeExport#treeProperty in classShowPublicLabelTreeExport
The label tree that should be exported.
$AnnotationExport#tmpPathProperty in classAnnotationExport
Path to the temporary CSV file.
$AnnotationLabelExport#tmpPathProperty in classAnnotationLabelExport
Path to the temporary CSV file.
$ImageExport#tmpPathProperty in classImageExport
Path to the temporary CSV file.
$ImageLabelExport#tmpPathProperty in classImageLabelExport
Path to the temporary CSV file.
$PublicLabelExport#tmpPathProperty in classPublicLabelExport
Path to the temporary CSV file.
$ArchiveManager#tmpPathProperty in classArchiveManager
Base path to the temporary directory to store extracted imports.
PublicLabelTreeImport::treeExists() — Method in classPublicLabelTreeImport
Checks if the label tree of the import already exists.
TrackObjectClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Jobs
Attempts to track an obect in a video. The object is initially defined by a video annotation. The annotation will be updated with the positions determined with the object tracking method.
$TrackObject#triesProperty in classTrackObject
The number of times the job may be attempted.
$InAppNotification#titleProperty in classInAppNotification
Title of the notification.
$InAppNotification#typeProperty in classInAppNotification
Notification type.
InAppNotification::toArray() — Method in classInAppNotification
Get the array representation of the notification.
RegistrationAccepted::toMail() — Method in classRegistrationAccepted
Get the mail representation of the notification.
RegistrationConfirmation::toMail() — Method in classRegistrationConfirmation
Get the mail representation of the notification.
RegistrationRejected::toMail() — Method in classRegistrationRejected
Get the mail representation of the notification.
$Role#timestampsProperty in classRole
Don't maintain timestamps for this model.
$Shape#timestampsProperty in classShape
Don't maintain timestamps for this model.
SystemMessage::type() — Method in classSystemMessage
The type of this system message.
$SystemMessageType#timestampsProperty in classSystemMessageType
Don't maintain timestamps for this model.
$Visibility#timestampsProperty in classVisibility
Don't maintain timestamps for this model.


AnnotationLabel::user() — Method in classAnnotationLabel
The user who created this annotation label.
AnnotationSession::users() — Method in classAnnotationSession
The users, this annotation session is restricted to.
UpdateImageMetadataClass in namespaceBiigle\Console\Commands
UpdateVolumeUrlsClass in namespaceBiigle\Console\Commands
UpdateVolumeUrls::updateVolumes() — Method in classUpdateVolumeUrls
$ImagesDeleted#uuidsProperty in classImagesDeleted
UUIDs of deleted images.
$GenericFile#urlProperty in classGenericFile
The file URL.
AnnotationController::update() — Method in classAnnotationController
Updates the annotation including its points.
AnnotationLabelController::update() — Method in classAnnotationLabelController
Updates the attributes of the specified annotation label.
AnnotationSessionController::update() — Method in classAnnotationSessionController
Updates the annotation session.
LabelController::update() — Method in classLabelController
Update a label.
LabelTreeController::update() — Method in classLabelTreeController
Updates the attributes of the specified label tree.
LabelTreeUserController::update() — Method in classLabelTreeUserController
Updates a member of a label tree.
LabelTreeVersionController::update() — Method in classLabelTreeVersionController
Update the specified label tree version.
NotificationController::update() — Method in classNotificationController
Mark a notification as read.
ProjectController::update() — Method in classProjectController
Updates the attributes of the specified project.
ProjectUserController::update() — Method in classProjectUserController
Updates the attributes of the specified user in the specified project.
SystemMessageController::update() — Method in classSystemMessageController
Updates the attributes of the specified system message.
UserControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
UserController::update() — Method in classUserController
Updates the attributes of the specified user.
UserController::updateOwn() — Method in classUserController
Updates the attributes of the own user.
UserPinnedProjectControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
UserRegistrationControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
VolumeController::update() — Method in classVolumeController
Updates the attributes of the specified volume.
SystemMessagesController::update() — Method in classSystemMessagesController
Shows the admin edit system message page.
UsersControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Views\Admin
UpdateUserActivityClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Middleware
$AttachProjectUser#userProperty in classAttachProjectUser
The user to attach.
$DestroyProjectUser#userProperty in classDestroyProjectUser
The user to detach.
$StoreLabelTree#upstreamLabelTreeProperty in classStoreLabelTree
The upstream label tree that should be forked (if any)
UpdateAnnotationSessionClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
UpdateLabelClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
UpdateLabelTreeClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
UpdateLabelTreeUserClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
UpdateLabelTreeVersionClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
UpdateOwnUserClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
UpdateProjectClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
UpdateProjectUserClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
$UpdateProjectUser#userProperty in classUpdateProjectUser
The user to update.
UpdateSystemMessageClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
UpdateUserClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
$UpdateUser#updateUserProperty in classUpdateUser
The user to update.
UpdateVolumeClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Requests
ImageLabel::user() — Method in classImageLabel
The user who created this image label.
TileSingleImage::uploadToStorage() — Method in classTileSingleImage
Upload the tiles from temporary local storage to the tiles storage disk.
LabelTree::updateMember() — Method in classLabelTree
Update a member (role).
AnnotationAssistanceRequest::user() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequest
The user that created the assistance request.
AnnotationAssistanceRequestController::update() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequestController
Close an annotation assistance request.
UpdateAnnotationAssistanceRequestClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Ananas\Http\Requests
UsersControllerMixinClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Annotations\Http\Controllers\Mixins\Views\Admin
UsersControllerMixinClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Projects\Http\Controllers\Mixins\Views\Admin
UserObserverClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Observers
Report::user() — Method in classReport
The user that requested the report.
UuidsClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Console\Commands
UserExportControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Http\Controllers\Api\Export
ImportController::update() — Method in classImportController
ImportController::updateUserImport() — Method in classImportController
Perform a user import.
ImportController::updateLabelTreeImport() — Method in classImportController
Perform a label tree import.
ImportController::updateVolumeImport() — Method in classImportController
Perform a volume import.
UserExportClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Support\Export
$LabelTreeImport#userImportProperty in classLabelTreeImport
The user import instance that belongs to this import.
LabelTreeImport::updateInsertedLabelParentIds() — Method in classLabelTreeImport
Update/set the parent_id of imported labels.
UserImportClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Support\Import
$VolumeImport#userImportProperty in classVolumeImport
The user import instance that belongs to this import.
VideoAnnotationController::update() — Method in classVideoAnnotationController
Updates the video annotation
VideoController::update() — Method in classVideoController
Updates the attributes of the specified video.
UsersControllerMixinClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Controllers\Mixins\Admin
UpdateVideoClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Requests
UpdateVideoAnnotationClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Requests
$DeleteVideoThumbnails#uuidProperty in classDeleteVideoThumbnails
UUID of the video to delete the thumbnails of.
VideoAnnotationPolicy::update() — Method in classVideoAnnotationPolicy
Determine if the user may update the given annotation.
VideoPolicy::update() — Method in classVideoPolicy
Determine if the given video can be updated by the user.
VideoAnnotationLabel::user() — Method in classVideoAnnotationLabel
The user who created this annotation label.
UsersControllerMixinClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Http\Controllers\Mixins\Views\Admin
$RegistrationConfirmation#userProperty in classRegistrationConfirmation
User who has been newly registered.
AnnotationLabelPolicy::update() — Method in classAnnotationLabelPolicy
Determine if the user can edit the given annotation label.
AnnotationPolicy::update() — Method in classAnnotationPolicy
Determine if the user may update the given annotation.
LabelPolicy::update() — Method in classLabelPolicy
Determine if the given label can be updated by the user.
LabelTreePolicy::update() — Method in classLabelTreePolicy
Determine if the given label tree can be updated by the user.
LabelTreePolicy::updateMember() — Method in classLabelTreePolicy
Determine if the user can update the given member of the given label tree.
LabelTreeVersionPolicy::update() — Method in classLabelTreeVersionPolicy
Determine if the given label tree version can be updated by the user.
ProjectPolicy::update() — Method in classProjectPolicy
Determine if the given project can be updated by the user.
SystemMessagePolicy::update() — Method in classSystemMessagePolicy
Determine whether the user can update the systemMessage.
UserPolicyClass in namespaceBiigle\Policies
UserPolicy::update() — Method in classUserPolicy
Determine if the given user can update the user.
VolumePolicy::update() — Method in classVolumePolicy
Determine if the given volume can be updated by the user.
Project::users() — Method in classProject
The members of this project. Every member has a project-specific project_role_id besides their global user role.
Project::userCanBeRemoved() — Method in classProject
Determines if the user can be removed from the project.
Uuid4Class in namespaceBiigle\Rules
$VolumeImages#urlProperty in classVolumeImages
The volume URL to check the image files.
ApiGuard::user() — Method in classApiGuard
Get the currently authenticated user.
UserClass in namespaceBiigle
Volume::users() — Method in classVolume
Return a query for all users associated to this volume through projects.


AnnotationSession::volume() — Method in classAnnotationSession
The volume, this annotation session belongs to.
VipsImageClass in namespaceBiigle\Facades
VisibilityControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
VolumeAnnotationSessionControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
VolumeControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
VolumeImageControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Controllers\Api
RegisterController::validator() — Method in classRegisterController
Get a validator for an incoming registration request.
VerifyCsrfTokenClass in namespaceBiigle\Http\Middleware
$DestroyLabelTreeVersion#versionProperty in classDestroyLabelTreeVersion
The label tree version that should be deleted.
$StoreAnnotationSession#volumeProperty in classStoreAnnotationSession
The volume to store the annotation session to.
$StoreVolumeImage#volumeProperty in classStoreVolumeImage
The volume to create the images in.
$UpdateLabelTreeVersion#versionProperty in classUpdateLabelTreeVersion
The label tree version that should be updated.
$UpdateVolume#volumeProperty in classUpdateVolume
The volume to update.
Image::volume() — Method in classImage
The volume, this image belongs to.
$CreateNewImages#volumeProperty in classCreateNewImages
The volume to create the images for.
$DeleteVolume#volumeProperty in classDeleteVolume
The volume that should be deleted.
$ProcessNewImages#volumeProperty in classProcessNewImages
The volume for which the images should be processed.
LabelTree::version() — Method in classLabelTree
The version of this label tree (if it is a version of a master label tree).
LabelTree::versions() — Method in classLabelTree
The versions of this (master) label tree.
LabelTree::visibility() — Method in classLabelTree
The visibility of the label tree.
AnnotationAssistanceRequest::via() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequest
Get the notification's delivery channels.
VolumeImageAreaControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Annotations\Http\Controllers\Api
VolumeImageControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Annotations\Http\Controllers\Api
VolumeLabelControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Annotations\Http\Controllers\Api
VolumeColorSortSequenceControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\ColorSort\Http\Controllers\Api
$Sequence#visibleProperty in classSequence
The attributes included in the model's JSON form. All other are hidden.
Sequence::volume() — Method in classSequence
The volume, this image belongs to.
GeoOverlay::volume() — Method in classGeoOverlay
The volume, this overlay belongs to.
VolumeGeoOverlayControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Geo\Http\Controllers\Api
VolumeControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Geo\Http\Controllers\Views
StoreMerge::validateCreate() — Method in classStoreMerge
Validate the create labels.
StoreMerge::validateRemove() — Method in classStoreMerge
Validate the remove labels.
LargoController::validateLargoInput() — Method in classLargoController
Validates the input for saving an Largo session.
VolumeImageControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints\Http\Controllers\Api
$ComputeVolume#volumeProperty in classComputeVolume
The volume that should be processed with laser point detection.
$ProcessVolumeDelphiJob#volumeProperty in classProcessVolumeDelphiJob
The volume to process the images of.
VolumeClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Laserpoints
Extends the base Biigle volume.
VideoReportControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Http\Controllers\Api\Videos
VolumeReportControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Http\Controllers\Api\Volumes
VideoReportsControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Http\Controllers\Views
VolumeReportsControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Http\Controllers\Views
ReportReady::via() — Method in classReportReady
Get the notification's delivery channels.
VolumeObserverClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Observers
VolumeReportGeneratorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports\Support\Reports\Volumes
VolumeClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Reports
Extends the base Biigle volume.
VolumeExportControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Http\Controllers\Api\Export
VolumeExportClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Support\Export
ArchiveManager::validate() — Method in classArchiveManager
Validate the uploaded import archive.
Import::validateFiles() — Method in classImport
Check if the files of this import are valid.
Import::validateFile() — Method in classImport
Validate a file of this import.
LabelTreeImport::validateFile() — Method in classLabelTreeImport
Validate a file of this import.
PublicLabelTreeImport::validateFile() — Method in classPublicLabelTreeImport
Validate a file of this import.
UserImport::validateFile() — Method in classUserImport
Validate a file of this import.
VolumeImportClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Sync\Support\Import
VolumeImport::validateFile() — Method in classVolumeImport
Validate a file of this import.
VideoDeletedClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Events
$VideoDeleted#videoProperty in classVideoDeleted
The video that caused this event.
VideoAnnotationControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Controllers\Api
VideoAnnotationLabelControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Controllers\Api
VideoControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Controllers\Api
VideoFileControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Controllers\Api
VideoControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Http\Controllers\Views
$DestroyVideo#videoProperty in classDestroyVideo
The video that should be deleted.
$StoreVideoAnnotation#videoProperty in classStoreVideoAnnotation
The video on which the annotation should be created.
$UpdateVideo#videoProperty in classUpdateVideo
The video that should be updated.
$ProcessNewVideo#videoProperty in classProcessNewVideo
The new video that should be processed.
VideoAnnotationLabelPolicyClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Policies
VideoAnnotationPolicyClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Policies
VideoPolicyClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Policies
Project::videos() — Method in classProject
The videos of this project.
VideoUrlClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Rules
VideoCodecExtractorClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos\Support
VideoClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos
VideoAnnotationClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos
VideoAnnotation::video() — Method in classVideoAnnotation
The video, this annotation belongs to.
VideoAnnotation::validatePoints() — Method in classVideoAnnotation
Validate the points and frames of this annotation.
VideoAnnotationLabelClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos
VideosServiceProviderClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Videos
VolumeImageFilenamesControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Http\Controllers\Api
VolumeImageLabelsControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Http\Controllers\Api
VolumeImageMetadataControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Http\Controllers\Api
VolumeUsedImageLabelsControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Http\Controllers\Api
VolumeUserControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Http\Controllers\Api
VolumeControllerClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes\Http\Controllers
VolumesServiceProviderClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\Volumes
InAppNotification::via() — Method in classInAppNotification
Get the notification's delivery channels.
RegistrationAccepted::via() — Method in classRegistrationAccepted
Get the notification's delivery channels.
RegistrationConfirmation::via() — Method in classRegistrationConfirmation
Get the notification's delivery channels.
RegistrationRejected::via() — Method in classRegistrationRejected
Get the notification's delivery channels.
VolumeObserverClass in namespaceBiigle\Observers
VolumePolicyClass in namespaceBiigle\Policies
Project::volumes() — Method in classProject
The volumes of this project.
VolumeImageUniqueClass in namespaceBiigle\Rules
$VolumeImageUnique#volumeProperty in classVolumeImageUnique
The volume to check for existing images.
VolumeImagesClass in namespaceBiigle\Rules
VolumeUrlClass in namespaceBiigle\Rules
$Modules#viewMixinsProperty in classModules
The view mixins of every module for every view.
HasPointsAttribute::validatePoints() — Method in classHasPointsAttribute
Validates a points array for the shape of this annotation.
VisibilityClass in namespaceBiigle
The visibility of a model.
VolumeClass in namespaceBiigle
A volume is a collection of images. Volumes belong to one or many projects.


AttachProjectUser::withValidator() — Method in classAttachProjectUser
Configure the validator instance.
DestroyProjectUser::withValidator() — Method in classDestroyProjectUser
Configure the validator instance.
DestroyUser::withValidator() — Method in classDestroyUser
Configure the validator instance.
StoreAnnotations::withValidator() — Method in classStoreAnnotations
Configure the validator instance.
StoreLabel::withValidator() — Method in classStoreLabel
Configure the validator instance.
StoreLabelTree::withValidator() — Method in classStoreLabelTree
Configure the validator instance.
StoreLabelTreeUser::withValidator() — Method in classStoreLabelTreeUser
Configure the validator instance.
StorePinnedProject::withValidator() — Method in classStorePinnedProject
Configure the validator instance.
StoreProjectLabelTree::withValidator() — Method in classStoreProjectLabelTree
Configure the validator instance.
UpdateLabel::withValidator() — Method in classUpdateLabel
Configure the validator instance.
UpdateLabelTreeUser::withValidator() — Method in classUpdateLabelTreeUser
Configure the validator instance.
UpdateProjectUser::withValidator() — Method in classUpdateProjectUser
Configure the validator instance.
UpdateUser::withValidator() — Method in classUpdateUser
Configure the validator instance.
$ProcessNewImageChunk#widthProperty in classProcessNewImageChunk
The desired thumbnail width.
StoreAnnotationAssistanceRequest::withValidator() — Method in classStoreAnnotationAssistanceRequest
Configure the validator instance.
UpdateAnnotationAssistanceRequest::withValidator() — Method in classUpdateAnnotationAssistanceRequest
Configure the validator instance.
StoreColorSortSequence::withValidator() — Method in classStoreColorSortSequence
Configure the validator instance.
StoreMerge::withValidator() — Method in classStoreMerge
Configure the validator instance.
WormsAdapterClass in namespaceBiigle\Modules\LabelTrees\Services\LabelSourceAdapters
WoRMS label source adapter.
ComputeImage::withValidator() — Method in classComputeImage
Configure the validator instance.
ComputeVolume::withValidator() — Method in classComputeVolume
Configure the validator instance.
DestroyVideo::withValidator() — Method in classDestroyVideo
Configure the validator instance.
DestroyVideoAnnotationLabel::withValidator() — Method in classDestroyVideoAnnotationLabel
Configure the validator instance.
LinkVideoAnnotation::withValidator() — Method in classLinkVideoAnnotation
Configure the validator instance.
SplitVideoAnnotation::withValidator() — Method in classSplitVideoAnnotation
Configure the validator instance.
StoreVideoAnnotation::withValidator() — Method in classStoreVideoAnnotation
Configure the validator instance.
StoreVideoAnnotationLabel::withValidator() — Method in classStoreVideoAnnotationLabel
Configure the validator instance.


ImagesDeleted::__construct() — Method in classImagesDeleted
Create a new event instance.
FileCache::__construct() — Method in classFileCache
Create an instance.
GenericFile::__construct() — Method in classGenericFile
Create a new instance.
FileCacheFake::__construct() — Method in classFileCacheFake
ApiTokenController::__construct() — Method in classApiTokenController
Creates a new ApiTokenController instance.
UserController::__construct() — Method in classUserController
Creates a new UserController instance.
UserRegistrationController::__construct() — Method in classUserRegistrationController
Creates a new instance.
ForgotPasswordController::__construct() — Method in classForgotPasswordController
Create a new controller instance.
LoginController::__construct() — Method in classLoginController
Create a new controller instance.
RegisterController::__construct() — Method in classRegisterController
Create a new controller instance.
ResetPasswordController::__construct() — Method in classResetPasswordController
Create a new controller instance.
DashboardController::__construct() — Method in classDashboardController
Create a new instance.
CreateNewImages::__construct() — Method in classCreateNewImages
Create a new job instance.
DeleteVolume::__construct() — Method in classDeleteVolume
Create a new job instance.
MigrateTiledImage::__construct() — Method in classMigrateTiledImage
Create a new job instance.
ProcessNewImageChunk::__construct() — Method in classProcessNewImageChunk
Create a new job instance.
ProcessNewImages::__construct() — Method in classProcessNewImages
Create a new job instance.
TileSingleImage::__construct() — Method in classTileSingleImage
Create a new job instance.
CreateRedisLogger::__invoke() — Method in classCreateRedisLogger
Create a custom Monolog instance.
LogManager::__construct() — Method in classLogManager
Create a new instance.
AnnotationAssistanceRequest::__construct() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceRequest
Create a new instance.
AnnotationAssistanceResponse::__construct() — Method in classAnnotationAssistanceResponse
Create a new notification instance.
ComputeNewSequence::__construct() — Method in classComputeNewSequence
Create a new job instance.
GenerateMissing::__construct() — Method in classGenerateMissing
Create a new command instance.
GenerateAnnotationPatch::__construct() — Method in classGenerateAnnotationPatch
Create a new job instance.
RemoveAnnotationPatches::__construct() — Method in classRemoveAnnotationPatches
Create a new job instance.
Job::__construct() — Method in classJob
Create a new job instance.
ProcessDelphiJob::__construct() — Method in classProcessDelphiJob
Create a new job instance.
ProcessImageDelphiJob::__construct() — Method in classProcessImageDelphiJob
Create a new job instance.
ProcessImageManualJob::__construct() — Method in classProcessImageManualJob
Create a new job instance.
ProcessManualJob::__construct() — Method in classProcessManualJob
Create a new job instance.
ProcessVolumeDelphiJob::__construct() — Method in classProcessVolumeDelphiJob
Create a new job instance.
DelphiGather::__construct() — Method in classDelphiGather
GenerateReportJob::__construct() — Method in classGenerateReportJob
Create a new job instance.
ReportReady::__construct() — Method in classReportReady
Create a new notification instance.
CsvFile::__construct() — Method in classCsvFile
Create a new CSV file.
File::__construct() — Method in classFile
Create a new file.
File::__destruct() — Method in classFile
ReportGenerator::__construct() — Method in classReportGenerator
Create a report generator instance.
PythonScriptRunner::__construct() — Method in classPythonScriptRunner
Create and execute the exec command.
VolumeReportGenerator::__construct() — Method in classVolumeReportGenerator
Create a report generator instance.
PostprocessVolumeImport::__construct() — Method in classPostprocessVolumeImport
Create a new job instance.
Export::__construct() — Method in classExport
Create a new instance.
ArchiveManager::__construct() — Method in classArchiveManager
Create a new instance.
Import::__construct() — Method in classImport
Create a new instance.
VideoDeleted::__construct() — Method in classVideoDeleted
Create a new instance
DeleteVideoThumbnails::__construct() — Method in classDeleteVideoThumbnails
Create a new instance.
ProcessNewVideo::__construct() — Method in classProcessNewVideo
Create a new instance.
TrackObject::__construct() — Method in classTrackObject
Create a new instance.
GreaterThan::__construct() — Method in classGreaterThan
Create a new instance.
LessThan::__construct() — Method in classLessThan
Create a new instance.
VideoUrl::__construct() — Method in classVideoUrl
Create a new instance.
BrowserController::__construct() — Method in classBrowserController
Instantiate a new controller instance.
InAppNotification::__construct() — Method in classInAppNotification
Create a new notification instance.
NewSystemMessageNotification::__construct() — Method in classNewSystemMessageNotification
Create a new notification instance.
RegistrationConfirmation::__construct() — Method in classRegistrationConfirmation
Create a new notification instance.
CachedPolicy::__construct() — Method in classCachedPolicy
Create a new CachedPolicy.
VolumeImageUnique::__construct() — Method in classVolumeImageUnique
Create a new instance.
VolumeImages::__construct() — Method in classVolumeImages
Create a new instance.
VolumeUrl::__construct() — Method in classVolumeUrl
Create a new instance.
Modules::__construct() — Method in classModules
Create a new instance.
HasConstantInstances::__callStatic() — Method in classHasConstantInstances
Get one of the instances of this model that are defined in the INSTANCES constant array.